
Showing posts from June, 2024

"But predestination!" (#5-6: Romans and sovereignty)

In this series, I'm examining some things that Calvinists (especially my ex-pastor) say about predestination.   Here's the whole series on my other blog:  the pastor's sermons  ("When Calvinists say 'But predestination!'"), and my comments  1-4 (election)  and  5-6 (Romans and sovereignty)  and  7-9 (depravity, Book of Life, predestine)  and  10-11 (shaming tactics, Feb. 2015)  and  12-14 (dead, regeneration, born again)  and  15 (total depravity, manipulation)   and  16A (God's Will, babies)  and  16B (sin, evil, suffering)  and  17 (double-speak and the gospel) . Fifth:   Like this pastor does, Calvinists  constantly -  all the time, over and over again, in every sermon on this topic - quote  Romans 9:18:   “Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden.”   They love this verse and the word “hardens.”    They say it means that God decides who will go to heaven and who won’t, and that He hardens those w

"But predestination!" (my comments 1-4: election)

Okay, so here's my comments 1-4 on the pastor's predestination sermons ( in the post "When Calvinists say 'But predestination!'" ).  I'll have more posts with more comments coming up.  I don't cover all the sermons or go in order, but I do want to address some of the more important points. [ Here's the whole series on my other blog:  the pastor's sermons  ("When Calvinists say 'But predestination!'"), and my comments  1-4 (election)  and  5-6 (Romans and sovereignty)  and  7-9 (depravity, Book of Life, predestine)  and  10-11 (shaming tactics, Feb. 2015)  and  12-14 (dead, regeneration, born again)  and  15 (total depravity, manipulation)   and  16A (God's Will, babies)  and  16B (sin, evil, suffering)  and  17 (double-speak and the gospel) .] First: Starting with the last sermon: In the April 2024 sermon, he makes it sound in the beginning (the first 20 minutes of his sermon) like he means  anybody  can come to Jesus:  &q