Spiritual Warfare Sermons by Tony Evans

Some basics
The Nature of the Battle part 1 (audio, 25 minutes long)

Overcoming Satan Series

Grab Your Sword (audio, 44 min.)

Well-dressed for Warfare (audio, 49 min.)

Armor of God
The Belt of Truth (video, 31 min.)

The Shoes of Peace (video, 32 min.)

The Shield of Faith (audio, 25 min.)

Helmet of Salvation, part 1 (audio, 25 min.)

Helmet of Salvation, part 2 (audio, 25 min.)

Sword of Spirit, part 1 (audio, 25 min.)

Sword of Spirit, part 2 (audio, 25 min.)

Igniting Kingdom Prayer Series (all are video, 28 minutes long each)

Another Prayer series (may be out of order, video, 28 minutes long each)


The Protection of Prayer (audio, 25 min.)

Prayer that wins the war (audio, 28 min.)

The Power of Truth (video, 27 min.)

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