Spiritual Warfare: If you don't believe in the devil ...

I just found a great warning in an article ("'Nefarious': From strange ailments to car accidents, the spiritual warfare that occurred while filming"from the director of a spiritual-thriller movie who knew that filming a movie about demonic possession would lead to opposition from unseen forces (my paraphrase): 

If you don't believe in the devil - if you don't think you need to take him seriously - then just start opposing him and see what happens.  

Start praying more.  Start reading your Bible more.  Start memorizing Bible verses more and speaking them out loud as needed.  Start saying "no" to temptations.  Start confessing sins to God, asking for forgiveness.  Start forgiving other people.  Start thanking God for things, out loud.  Start cleaning up your lives, homes, and habits, getting rid of things that glorify evil.  Start listening to praise music.  Start obeying God in something, no matter how small.  Start saying "In the name of Jesus Christ, I command you to leave" when you feel demons are harassing or tempting you.  And if you're not a Jesus-follower but want to know if it's all real - if God, Jesus, the Bible, Satan, demons, angels, heaven, hell, etc. are real - then pray something like this out loud: "I want to know if You're real, God.  I want to know if Jesus is the Christ, the only way to heaven.  I want to know if I am unknowingly on Satan's side right now.  Please show me, and help me to see it."

If you don't think you need to take the devil seriously, then try taking a stand against him and see what happens.

(If Satan's not real, then what've you got to be worried about?  But if he is real, then shouldn't you find out now, before it's too late?)

A couple good songs: 

Don't Tread on Me by We The Kingdom

And Crushing Snakes by Crowder

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