A Few "End Times" And "Christian News" Links

There are a few "end times" and "Christian news" sites that I like to check up on now and then.  

When it comes to the "End Times," I mainly prefer sites that give me headlines about what's going on around the world that may be related to the end times, such as major earthquake and volcanic activity, political and international conflicts, Israel news, etc.  

I don't care much for the sites that are sensationalized - that make huge deals out of every tiny thing and that try to fit every little cosmic or world event into a Bible verse as some sort of "proof" that the End Times are here.  I'd rather read the normal news stories for myself and get an overall picture of how close we seem to be getting to the end.

Of course, no matter how close we think we are to the end, it won't happen until God wants it to happen.  All we can do is wait for Him and live the way He wants us to, in anticipation of standing before Him someday.  And even if we are not as close as it seems, these sites give a wide-ranging look at what's going on in the world in general.  And that's why I like them.  

(FYI - I can't vouch for everything on these websites because I haven't read everything on them.  So be discerning.)

End Times Links:




One video clip by Anne Graham Lotz:

Francis Chan preaches on Revelation and the End Times:

And for a bunch of general "Christian News" websites:

https://www.christianpost.com/ (This one is usually good, but I have been finding articles by Stoyan Zaimov which seem to be trying to blend homosexuality and Christianity, making it seem like they go together just fine.  So watch out for that.)

https://christianheadlines.com/  (Good for the wide-range of headlines it compiles, but I was very disappointed by one article in particular.  It made me remove this from the list at first.  But then I re-added it and will explain in the next post which article bothered me and why.)

Previous "end times" post:  God Would Never Do That!  Or Would He?

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