Delightful Wanderings in the Lost Forest

It's a dreary, rainy, cool day here - one of my favorite kinds of days.  So I brewed a hot cup of Pumpkin Spice tea (The Republic of Tea brand - so good!) with a dash of milk and sugar and nestled in for a half-hour of wandering through the Lost Forest, a YouTube channel I recently found.

Such simple videos from a woman in Ireland (I've always wanted to visit there, I have strong Irish roots) who records scenes from her day as she visits her garden (where her cats meander), her jewelry studio, nearby cottages and castles and landscapes, etc.  It's delightful and relaxing - no speaking, no faces, no chaos, just gentle music and simple captions at the bottom of the screen sharing her thoughts.

If you've got an extra 15-30 minutes in your day and need to relax, grab a cup of tea or coffee (or maybe you prefer lemonade), and spend some quiet time wandering the Irish countryside.

Here's the newest video I just watched: Visit an Irish Cottage, A Cosy Day in Autumn

[Note: She refers to nature as Mother Nature, and her jewelry business has a "folklore/mythological goodness" aspect to it.  I enjoy mythology and think her jewelry is beautiful, but I would not worship or honor the "gods and goddesses" of mythology.  But I do still enjoy her peaceful videos, and so I'll just overlook the other stuff.  But I'm sharing this with you so you can be discerning for yourself.]

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