So Earth's crust is full of water, huh?

Did you see this article - "Earth's crust swallowed a sea's worth of water and locked it away beneath Pacific seafloor" - about how there is a massive deep reservoir of water hidden beneath the ocean floor by New Zealand and how the rocks there are abnormally wet, how they should contain much less water for being many "millions" of years old?

Do you know what this makes me think of?

"The fountains of the great deep" which burst open during the worldwide flood of Genesis 5:11: "In the six hundredth year of Noah's life... all the fountains of the great deep burst forth, and the windows of heaven were opened."

And it makes me think that maybe the earth isn't really "millions" of years old like scientists keep insisting.

Also see "Maybe 'millions of years' is actually just 40 days!"  And "Starting the new school year with Creation vs. Evolution" and "Is Evolution True?" 

Just something to think about. 

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