
Showing posts from August, 2024

Two songs for the election season

I posted these for the 2020 elections too, but here they are again for this election season... because I am so done with all the political chaos. A couple of Tim Hawkins songs as this election season gets under way, just for fun: Jimmy Buffet for President The Government Can If you can't do anything about it, may as well have some fun with it!

Totally cool!

I just gotta share this one... I have always LOVED watching baptisms (and even more so when people share their testimonies too).  It's a special once-in-a-lifetime moment when someone vulnerably stands up in public and declares their faith in Jesus.  And it's a moment we should all celebrate and feel honored to witness. Well, today my neighbor - whom I've been doing Bible study with (along with her aunt) for the last few years after she became a believer in 2020 ( see here ) - decided (rather spontaneously) to get baptized during a church service at the beach.   And not only did I, her aunt, my husband, and my son get to go with to support her, but I got to get in the water with her (in my jeans, because I didn't know this was going to happen), pray with her, and help submerse her in the water too.   Totally cool!  And I am so honored and humbled to be a part of this amazing moment in her life! (And now we keep praying for her husband.)

"But predestination!" (#17: double-speak and the gospel)

In this series, I'm examining some things that Calvinists (especially my ex-pastor) say about predestination.   Here's the whole series on my other blog:  the pastor's sermons  ("When Calvinists say 'But predestination!'"), and my comments  1-4 (election)  and  5-6 (Romans and sovereignty)  and  7-9 (depravity, Book of Life, predestine)  and  10-11 (shaming tactics, Feb. 2015)  and  12-14 (dead, regeneration, born again)  and  15 (total depravity, manipulation)   and  16A (God's Will, babies)  and  16B (sin, evil, suffering)  and  17 (double-speak and the gospel) .    And lastly, seventeenth:   From his September 2023 sermon on Jonah.  Notice that the whole thing is basically one big contradiction, talking out of both sides of his mouth, double-speak, shaming us for running from God and telling us we need to repent, but then informing us that God Himself decides if we turn to Him or not:  "Why does Jonah run from God?  Why are some of us this morn

"But predestination!" (16B: sin, evil, suffering)

In this series, I'm examining some things that Calvinists (especially my ex-pastor) say about predestination.   Here's the whole series on my other blog:  the pastor's sermons  ("When Calvinists say 'But predestination!'"), and my comments  1-4 (election)  and  5-6 (Romans and sovereignty)  and  7-9 (depravity, Book of Life, predestine)  and  10-11 (shaming tactics, Feb. 2015)  and  12-14 (dead, regeneration, born again)  and  15 (total depravity, manipulation)   and  16A (God's Will, babies)  and  16B (sin, evil, suffering)  and  17 (double-speak and the gospel) . Sixteen B (I broke #16 up into two halves, so picking up where we left off in the last post...) And now, moving on from the bulk of my comments to the bulk of the Calvinist quotes, showing you Calvinism in its full glory.  (And you thought you were almost done, that you already read the bulk of the Calvinist quotes.  Oh, no, we're just getting started.) Buckle your seatbelts, ladies and