I vote for ...

Here in America, it's election day again.  And I think we can all agree that it's a super-emotional, super-heated, super-critical election this time around.  Everyone's fighting over it.  Everyone's demonizing the other side.  Everyone's absolutely certain that their candidate must get in or else the country's going to go to hell-in-a-handbasket.  (Actually, I bet we're all thinking it's going to hell-in-a-handbasket anyway, no matter who gets into office.)

And as I walk around the neighborhood every day on my prayer-walks, I see all the political signs in people's yards:  Harris!  Trump!  Vote for love and truth!  Don't vote for hate!  Make America great again!  Take back America!  Vote like your daughter's rights depend on it!  Trans-rights!  No one is illegal!  Hate doesn't live here!  Blah, blah, blah. 

But in all the political noise, I saw one sign that made me say "YES!":

Jesus 2024 - Our only hope!   

Can I get an "Amen"!?!  

Of course, I have an opinion of who I'd like to see in office, and I say my prayers about it.  But to a great degree, I don't care who wins.  I mean, yes, I do care.  But no, I really don't - because I've got to trust that God is above it all and that no matter who gets in, it happened for a reason, because God has a plan, even if we don't know what it is or how things could possibly work out for good.  

Our job is to do our part and pray for His Will to be done and then go out and vote.  But His job is to answer our prayers in the way He sees best, that fit His wisdom, His purposes... and, who knows, but maybe even His end-times plans.  

I watched a sermon this past Sunday from a series called "Prayers for the President" ("Lead as a Servant, Elisha" from Willow Creek Community Church), and I loved what Pastor Dave said at the end (start at about the 33-minute mark), which was essentially this (my paraphrase): 

"If you find yourself overly upset that your candidate didn't get in or overly relieved that your candidate did, maybe that's because you're putting your hope and security in a person, in a president, instead of in King Jesus."

Amen, and amen!

And once again, two Tim Hawkins songs that I think we can all agree on and smile about, no matter who our candidate is:

The Government Can

If we can't do anything about it, may as well have some fun with it!

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