
Showing posts from June, 2019

Confronting Calvinism's Deceptive Nonsense

There is a post over at Soteriology 101 that I think is worth reading.  It's titled "Condemned For Factors Beyond The Agent's Control?"   It's a post that confronts the Calvinist idea that God ultimately condemns people for things He caused them to do, things that they had no control over.   According to Calvinism, God is ultimately the sole cause of everything that happens.  Therefore, if we sin or don't believe in Him, it's because He made us do it.  But then, Calvi-god turns around and punishes mankind for their sin and unbelief.  Even though He caused it.  But Calvinists will continue to insist that Calvi-god is fair and just, and that we deserve what we get because we still "chose."      Calvinists will try to explain away the obvious contradiction by using words like "remote cause" and "proximate cause."  They'll say that God is the "proximate/primary cause" (that He ultimately wills that somethi...

Since When Did This "Drag Queen" Stuff Become Acceptable For Children?

I don't really like to link to this "Christian discernment" website, because I think they are quite ... how shall I say it? ... rude.  Overly critical of anyone and everyone.  (Not that they don't expose some things worth exposing.)  But I found this article here so disturbing that I couldn't help but share it, to show parents what they're supporting and encouraging when they bring their kids to these drag queen shows.   Honestly, it makes me sick.  And it makes my skin crawl.  And I honestly have no idea why it doesn't make other rational, decent people feel the same.  How can any parent think this is okay for children!?! Drag Queen Story Time Video: This Is What Demonic Possession Looks Like So ... we can't have the kids looking at the Ten Commandments , but that drag queen stuff is okay!?! Parents, what in the world are you allowing into your children's lives, hearts, and minds!?!  What are you encouraging!?!  In the name o...

My Understanding of the "End Times"

(a repost from earlier)             I wrote a section for Christians about “The End Times” in the Bible study I wrote.   But I wanted to write a shorter, easier-to-understand version for everyone else.   With all the hurricanes, earthquakes, “cash-less” technology, terrorism, martyring of Christians, people’s rebellion against everything God stands for, disease epidemics, the technology to put little radio transmitters into people’s hands containing their information, the various celestial events, a fast-approaching “one-world system,” a brewing civil war, a brewing world war, the events surrounding Israel and Jerusalem, etc., it seems like a good time to post this.  As I said in an earlier post, I think God's drawing lines in the sand , telling us to pick which side we want to be on, because He's coming back soon.             And no … contrary to a ...