Since When Did This "Drag Queen" Stuff Become Acceptable For Children?

I don't really like to link to this "Christian discernment" website, because I think they are quite ... how shall I say it? ... rude.  Overly critical of anyone and everyone.  (Not that they don't expose some things worth exposing.)  But I found this article here so disturbing that I couldn't help but share it, to show parents what they're supporting and encouraging when they bring their kids to these drag queen shows.  

Honestly, it makes me sick.  And it makes my skin crawl.  And I honestly have no idea why it doesn't make other rational, decent people feel the same.  How can any parent think this is okay for children!?!

So ... we can't have the kids looking at the Ten Commandments, but that drag queen stuff is okay!?!

Parents, what in the world are you allowing into your children's lives, hearts, and minds!?!  What are you encouraging!?!  In the name of ... what? ... "progress"? 

If this is what you call "progressive" then you need to rethink the direction you're headed in.  What are you progressing towards!?!  What are you turning into!?!  

See also "They ought to be ashamed of themselves!" and "The Adults Ought to be Prosecuted!" and "Is that really a school's responsibility!?!"  

And how about this new story about a 4-year-old girl being encouraged to touch, to caress, a naked man in front of other people!?!  In the name of ... what? ... art?  How far is too far?  What the f@#$ is wrong with the adults, the parents!?!  And I do mean that!  What will it take before the adults step in and start protecting the kids, instead of sacrificing them and their innocence to the god of "progress"?  If all this isn't "too far," then I shudder to think what is!

Not sick to your stomach enough yet?

Mom of 12-Year-Old Drag Queen Shocked to Find Pedophile Lusting After Him  (So she’s outraged that a man would call her son “hot” and she condemns his words as inappropriate, but she doesn’t think it’s inappropriate to dress her son up in drag and let him dance for grown men in a less-than-family-friendly place?  How in the world can she be shocked that some man would find this boy sexually-appealing, when the whole dance – by a 12-year-old boy dressed as a girl, dancing for men – was rather mature and sexually-suggestive?  Someone’s head is not on straight!  And I’m not just talking about the Barbie doll!  This is a 12-year old boy, who should be out playing football with his friends!  Not dressing up as a girl and dancing for men!)

California’s Graphic Sex-Ed Curriculum Is Even Worse Than You Think  (And, once again, I ask … The Ten Commandments are offensive!?!)

America Is Unknowingly Accepting Pedophilia In The Name Of Tolerance  (I would say … oh, they know they are.  They just pretend they aren’t!  And they’ll pretend to be shocked when it becomes mainstream, thanks to their “unknowing” efforts to normalize it and their refusal to take a stand against it!)

Pure Wickedness: Drag Queen Story Hour Is Now Encouraging Children To Lay On The Floor On Top Of Men In Dresses After Storytime Is Over

Love Has No Age: The Push To Normalize Pedophilia … (So when the Catholic church engages in pedophilia it’s called child abuse and it's worth prosecuting, but when the LGBTQ+ community does it’s called “progress” and it's worth celebrating!?!)

Shall I go on?  If this doesn't make you angry and sick to your stomach, if it doesn't make you want to cry, then there's something very wrong with your head and your morals.  And once again I ask … How far is too far!?!  If not now, then what has to happen - to you, to your child, to your sister, brother, niece, nephew, grandchild, neighbor - before you will stand up and say “No more”!?!  

(I can only hope this trend continues: GLAAD Not Happy About Declining Acceptance of LGBT: How The Movement Overplayed Its Hand!  Amen to this!)

And I hadn’t looked at it this way before, but it's very compelling: "Washington State Moms To Drag Queens: "It's Time To Take Off The Dress".  Drag – men portraying women as hideously ugly and flamboyantly sexual – really ought to offend the women out there, especially the feminist women, instead of making them applaud.  Women have fought so hard to be taken seriously and respected, and now they are letting women be portrayed like that!?!  If women dressed as men in overly disgusting and comedic ways, would that not appear to be insulting to them?  And this ought to offend those who have deeply, quietly, painfully struggled with LGBTQ issues their whole lives.  Because in some ways, these loud, aggressive, flamboyant, laughable drag queens make you into a joke, a spectacle.  It minimizes your struggles and what you went through, and it shows that you are someone to not take seriously or have real respect for.  I'm just sayin'.  Do you appreciate being portrayed that way?

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