The Coronavirus Response: "Not About Your Health"?

Yikes!  Read this post about the coronavirus pandemic (from the Rapture Ready website): "It's Not About Your Health."  It asks a lot of good, interesting, disturbing questions.  Really raises your eyebrows and makes you think.

But what to do about it all, I don't know.  All I can say is that we believers need to keep our eyes open to what's going on around us and be discerning.  And ultimately we need to keep our eyes more on the Lord than on the world, to remember where our help comes from.  And non-believers need to realize that this virus may just be a last "wake-up call" from the God, before He takes His people out of here.  It's time to get right with the Lord.  Or to get to know Him for the first time.  The author of the article is right, "It's not about your health."  But it may just be about your soul!

[I also recommend this "end times" study about the rapture from Tracking Bible Prophecy.  I think it does a pretty good job of laying it all out there.  Though there are some things I see differently, and we won't know for sure who's right until it happens, but that's the way it is with prophecy.]

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