A Must-Watch Debate (and a funny conspiracy)

 For anyone who hasn't seen it yet, this is a must-watch debate: Leighton Flowers and James White debating John 6:44.  

It was amazing to watch, especially if you know how gentle and meek Leighton usually is.  Leighton was on fire during this debate, and he burst out with guns blazin'!  We've never seen him this way before... and it's awesome!  

And I don't think White expected it.  He probably expected to debate a meek, little lamb, but he encountered a powerful, roaring tiger instead.

Seriously, you've gotta see it.    

And I think watching Leighton's post-debate video is so worth it, too.  

I particularly like the passion Leighton exhibits when - defending his "emotional" question to White about reprobation, and commenting on White's refusal to answer the difficult question of how Calvinism's god could punish people that he predestined to be reprobates - he says, "Dr. White ran from a hard argument and hid [behind the moderator]... 'Oh, please, don't let [Leighton] ask those hard questions anymore.'  Good night, people!  This is the heart of the doctrine of unconditional election... It's called a 'dreadful doctrine' by the namesake of the system: John Calvin... Of course, it's emotional... We're talking about reprobation and election here, folks.  I don't know how to ask a question that's not emotional when you're talking about people dying and going to an eternal hell for something they have absolutely no control over!  How in the world do you not get emotional about that!?!" (start at the 20-minute-mark).

Way to go, Leighton!  If we're going to get emotional and righteously angry about one issue, this is it: the gospel, who Jesus died for, who can be saved ... and the damage Calvinism does to this.  Calvinism attacks and destroys the very heart of the gospel, God's character, God's Word, and the reason Jesus died.  And if that's not worth getting worked up over, not worth fighting against with all we've got, then nothing is.

Awesome job, Leighton!  It's one for the history books!

[And methinks someone knows he totally lost the debate: click here to see James White's conspiracy-theory.  Too funny.  (Thanks, Idol Killer!)]

[My husband and I believe this is such as important issue - we believe Calvinism is slowly, stealthily destroying the Church from the inside out and that it needs to be aggressively opposed - that we sent Leighton some financial support to help him in his ministry.  If you want to do the same, click here to find out how.]

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