Scariest Halloween decoration ever?

So it's Halloween time again, huh?  Is it just me, or has there been a big increase in the amount of Halloween decorations in people's yards?

I don't decorate for Halloween, nothing more than maybe a few pumpkins.  But a neighbor and I were talking the other day, and she inadvertently stumbled on what I think would make the best Halloween decoration.  Something truly terrifying.  And if I had more guts, I'd maybe consider doing it someday.

She was reading out loud some reported quotes from famous atheists just before their death, and I thought Now that would make a scary Halloween display in your yard, a collection of tombstones with atheist quotes on them!  

Quotes such as these:

David Strauss, who spread German rationalism to erase people's belief in God: "My philosophy leaves me utterly forlorn!  I feel like one caught in the merciless jaws of an automatic machine, not knowing at what time one of its great hammers may crush me!"

Thomas Paine, atheist writer of The Age of Reason: "Stay with me, for God's sake; I cannot bear to be left alone.  O Lord, help me!  Oh God, what have I done to suffer so much?  What will become of me hereafter?  I would give worlds if I had them, that The Age of Reason had never been published.  O Lord, help me!  Christ, help me!... No, don't leave; stay with me!  Send even a child to stay with me; for I am on the edge of hell here alone.  If ever the devil had an agent, I have been that one."

Sir Thomas Scott, atheist chancellor of England: "Until this moment I thought there was neither a God nor a hell.  Now I know and feel that there are both, and I am doomed to perdition by the just judgment of the Almighty."

Anton LeVey, author of the Satanic Bible: "Oh my, oh my, what have I done, there is something very wrong... there is something very wrong..."

Voltaire, anti-Christian atheist: "I have swallowed nothing but smoke... I am abandoned by God and man.."  And his nurse said, "For all the money in Europe, I wouldn't want to see another unbeliever die!  All night long he cried for forgiveness."

Charles IX, French king who massacred the French Huguenots (over 100,000 people) because of their love for Christ: "Asleep or awake, I see the mangled forms of the Huguenots passing before me.  They drop with blood.  They point at their open wounds.  Oh!  That I had spared at least the little infants at the bosom!  What blood!  I know not where I am.  How will all this end?  What shall I do?  I am lost forever!  I know it.  Oh, I have done wrong."

Sir Francis Newport, head of English Atheist Club: "You need not tell me there is no God, for I know there is one, and that I am in his presence!  You need not tell me there is no hell.  I feel myself already slipping.  Wretches, cease your idle talk about there being hope for me!  I know I am lost forever!  Oh, that fire!  Oh, the insufferable pangs of hell!  Oh, that I could lie for a thousand years upon the fire that is never quenched, to purchase the favor of God and be united to Him again.  But it is a fruitless wish.  Millions and millions of years will bring me no nearer the end of my torments than one poor hour.  Oh, eternity, eternity forever and forever!  Oh, the insufferable pangs of Hell!"

David Hume, atheist philosopher, cried out "I am in flames!"

Wouldn't that be the scariest Halloween decoration ever!

And I wasn't looking for this and usually don't watch videos like this, but it was in a list of suggested videos and caught my interest, and I think it's worth sharing, especially because she's so real, honest, humble, and matter-of-fact about it (I don't like overly sensationalized stories.  And FYI: I haven't watched any other videos of hers but these.): 

"Halloween warning from an ex-witch (warning heavy talk)" (26 minutes long)

And even better is her testimony about coming to Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior: "From the occult to Christ" (8 1/2 minutes long)

So awesome to see her testimony and her journey of faith!  

And now to lighten things up a bit, some songs from Carman that I've shared on other Halloweens, a bit campy, but fun and full of spiritual truth and wisdom:

A Witch's Invitation - Love this one!

Satan, Bite the Dust - I wouldn't go around challenging Satan, but Carman's making a good, important point here about the power of God compared to the power of the devil.

No Monsters - Carman knows the power of Jesus's name!

God's Got an Army - Been stuck in my head all morning

Revival in the Land - Are you on your knees in prayer for our country? 

The Courtroom - Interesting

The Champion - This will always be one of his best!

Radically Saved (Live) - The whole hour-plus show.  This is one of the first albums I got of his.  And it's still one of my favorites.

Radically Saved (just the song)

Jericho, the Shout of Victory - Encouraging!

This Blood is for You - A powerful song.  Satan is a defeated foe.  And Jesus's blood - His death for you - is your salvation, your protection.  You cannot fight the enemy in your own name.  But you can fight - and win - in the name of Jesus, by the power of His blood.

No Way, We Are Not Ashamed - Say it loud and proud!

Oh, and you gotta watch these two from Crowder (love it!): Run Devil Run and Crushing Snakes

And this one from We The Kingdom: "Don't Tread on Me" 

And how about seven more (what's seven more when you're watching so many already?): 

"I Wish We'd All Been Ready" from I don't know who, actually

"In the Sky" from Russ Lee, Bob Carlisle, and Ashley Cleveland 

"God's Not Dead" and "We Believe" from the Newsboys

"Manifesto" from The City Harmonic

"Secret Ambition" from Michael W. Smith

"Living Water" from Anne Wilson

(I could go on and on, but I'll stop now.😀)

And once again, since it's Halloween, here's a link to "My story of Demonic Harassment" which partly explains why I take this stuff so seriously.  And here's the post "War Rooms, Praying Scripture, and Spiritual Warfare" with lots of links to resources.

And a link to "Starting your own relationship with Jesus (And why we need Him!)".  

And two short videos on how to become a Christian:

From Pastor Greg Laurie: "Becoming a Christian" (4 minutes long)

And from Pastor Tony Evans: Salvation Through Jesus Christ (2 1/2 minutes long)

Yes, it's that simple!  Eternal life, salvation, is that simple to get.  All of the work has been done for you by Jesus Christ on the cross.  And all you have to do is accept it.

[Keep in mind that it's not the prayer that saves you, the words you say.  It isn't a "magic spell."  What saves you is your choice to believe in Jesus, your decision to make Him your Lord and Savior, to believe that He is God and that He came to earth to die on the cross and rise again to pay the price for your sins so that you can live, so that you don't have to pay the price for your sin.  You can live eternally in heaven because of what He did for you on the cross.  And all you have to do is accept it, believe it.  If you will believe (if you will accept it as truth, even if you don't "feel it" yet) that Jesus is God, that He died for your sins, that you are a sinner and that you need Him to save you, if you will turn from your old life and embrace Him as Lord and Savior, you will be saved.] 

If you knew today was your last day alive, would you be ready to face tomorrow?


[Atheist quotes taken from Famous Last Words That You Won’t Soon Forget - Adventist Review - Adventist Review and Finding Faith Too Late: Last Words of Famous Atheists - Preach It Teach It.] 

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