
Showing posts from August, 2019

More Anti-Calvinism Memes #10

I never admit ... A "Secret" Will Y u no love Y u no trust Steve Confused Gandalf Congratulations How You Feel ... ... James White ... If God causes evil ... The Clueless Calvinist When you ask a Calvinist ... free-will When you ask a Calvinist ... love When you ask a Calvinist ... grace When you ask a Calvinist ... salvation When you ask a Calvinist if God meant ... When you ask a Calvinist ... the Bible When you ask a Calvinist ... Calvinism So let me get this straight ... What's the difference ... Freedom!

How Can Calvinists Say "God Causes ALL Things, But He's Not The Cause Of Sin"?

This is taken from the post "Do Calvinists Really Believe God Causes Sin?  Let Them Speak For Themselves!" (revised slightly for clarity): Calvinists believe that in order for God to be a "sovereign" God (their idea of "sovereign," that is) then He has to be the cause of all things.  All things!  This would include evil and sin.   But most Calvinists know not to accuse God of evil and sin.  And so they have to then find ways to deal with the contradiction of "God causes all things, but He doesn't really cause sin and evil." However, being the cause of ALL THINGS necessarily means that God causes all the evil and sins that happen.  Because if (according to their theology) there was one tiny thing that God doesn't cause/control, then He ceases to be God.  In Calvinism, an "in-control God" has to be an "all-controlling-everything-all-the-time God."   (Whereas I believe God can still be in-control and...

Did Our Church Handle It Wrong When We Left?

We  left our church  in May because of the  dogmatic Calvinist pastor  who seems to  shame and manipulate people  into Calvinism and who doesn’t seem to tolerate any other views but his. It's been over three months since we left.  And just recently, one of the elders (a long-time friend who is a Calvinist) apologized for how the whole situation was handled.  They even had us over for dinner with their family.  (They are truly wonderful people!)  Apparently, some people have gone to the elders with concerns about how our situation was handled, saying that it was handled wrong. Now you're probably wondering,  So just how was it all handled?  What exactly happened? Answer: Nothing.   That's what happened - nothing. After we sent our  letter to the elders  detailing our concerns about the pastor's dogmatic Calvinism, nothing changed.    In fact, the pastor only got more vocal about it.    And so a...

The Last Goodbye by Billy Boyd

My 13-year-old son and I have been getting into Lord of the Rings lately.   [In fact, he's basically obsessed with it.  We bought almost all the books written for this series.  He watches all the behind-the-scenes footage of the movies.  He's researched New Zealand.  He reads books on medieval weapons and armor.  And it's inspired him to create lots of medieval things.  He spends time everyday making medieval helmets and weapons out of foam and PVC pipe.  He's made working bows out of branches and thick cotton string, with arrows made out of dowel rods and bird feathers.  (And they shoot over 50 feet or so.  Impressive!)  Don't worry ... he only shoots at a hay bale or a cardboard target, never at animals or people!  For the "foam battles" with his friends, he has bows made out of PVC pipe, and the arrows have foam balls instead of pointy tips, so no one gets hurt.   They all have such a blast!  It's great to wa...

So this is what we've come to!?! Wrongful Birth Lawsuits!?!

Yeah, all of this Social Justice stuff and the "entitlement attitudes" and the lack of taking responsibility has made us Much! Better! People! Wrongful Birth Lawsuits (Because apparently having Down's Syndrome is a good reason to abort a baby.  And if you didn't get the chance to abort, it's a good reason to sue and get money for having to deal with the fact that your Down's Syndrome child lived, much to your dismay.  Which, of course, will drive the medical prices up for everyone.): Queensland Couple Suing For "Wrongful Birth" After Daughter Was Born With Down's Syndrome Angry At Down's Syndrome Baby, Mom Sues Hospital For Wrongful Birth Update: Couple Wins Down's Syndrome "Wrongful Birth" Suit The "right to abort" an unwanted child now means we get the right to have people give us money if we missed the chance to abort an unwanted child!  So ... those who would...