More Shootings, More Complaints About Prayer

Whenever a tragedy happens, people start praying.  And when people start praying, other people start complaining: "I am sick of your prayers.  I am tired of hearing people say they are praying for the situation."

Well, you know what?

I'm sick of people complaining about our praying!

And I have a few things to say about it:

1.  You clearly don't understand what prayer is.  So shut up and keep your ignorant nonsense to yourself!

2.  If you want to turn your back on God's help, then that's your choice for your life.  But don't shame others for turning to God for help in their lives and in other's lives.  

3.  Besides, what are you doing to fix the problem!?!  What's your grand plan to make everything all better!?!  Is your whining about someone's prayers going to help the situation at all!?!

4.  We are not praying for you anyway.  So get over yourself!

5.  And who are you to block people from praying for other people, for those who are hurting because of a tragedy!?!  Maybe those being prayed for want the prayer!  Maybe they, too, believe in prayer!  Maybe they hope and pray that God answers those prayers!  Maybe they know that when bad things happen, the best thing you can do is turn to God!  Who are you to take that prayer support away from them!?!  Are you the gate-keeper of all things spiritual, of all possible help in all situations?  Once again, get over yourself!

6.  Did you ever stop to think that maybe those who are praying are hurting too?  That our prayers might not be just meaningless condolences offered for others who are heartbroken and scared, but that maybe we who pray are also heartbroken and scared and are doing the only thing we can think of - the best thing we can think of - to help ourselves and others?   

7.  And honestly, this is still a free country.  And you don't get to tell us to not pray.  You have a right to not pray if you don't want to.  But we have a right to pray.  A right given by God Himself that you can never take away!  Are you in the place of God!?!  Once again, get over yourself and shut your ignorant mouth!  

8.  And if you don't want God's help, don't worry, He won't force it on you!  He'll leave you to yourself, if you prefer.  But remember, there are ultimately, spiritually only two sides: God's side and Satan's side.  So if you reject God's help, that's your choice.  But then you know where that leaves you and who you've chosen to worship instead!  Good luck with that!

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