
Amen, and Amen!!!

Great article!  

And about this article - about parents requesting that the government look into the harmful consequences of transgender medical treatment on children - can I just say ... DUH!!!  

Anybody with a brain can realize that medical-treatment of healthy children with hormone-blockers or transgender surgeries may cause permanent and potentially dangerous consequences.  But I guess a lot of people are losing their brains along with their spines!  

I think it should be a crime to give children - who haven't lived long enough yet to know what they really want - any kind of transgender medical treatment.  Those kids will pay the price for the rest of their lives for the hasty "intervention" by adults, long after they have changed their minds again and decided that they really don't want to be transgender anymore.

Personally, I think what Mario meant with his first comment  - the reasonable, commonsense one - was not that it's wrong to let kids think what they want, but that it's wrong for the parents to jump on board and lock those kids into the fanciful "decision" they made at 3 years old.  A child will pretend one thing one day, and another thing another day.

Is this not a commonsense, reasonable idea!?!  

But, in my opinion, many parents are so excited to be part of the new, "hip," "progressive" LGBTQ-movement that they immediately lock their child (or influence/manipulate their child) into the transgender lifestyle when the kid expresses the tiniest bit of "transgender fantasy."  These parents want to be trendy.  They want their own 15 minutes of fame.  And they're using their kids to do it.

And this is what's dangerous and irresponsible!  Locking your child into some fantasy that they dream up at 3 years old.  Changing the way you view them and treat them and define them because of something they said at 3 YEARS OLD!

I'm just wondering, would parents be so willing to "let their child be who they are" if, say, their 3-year-old decided they wanted to be a Christian?  Would a parent go, "Oh, okay, I guess you are a Christian.  I'm gonna get you a Bible and start taking you to church and start teaching you who Jesus was and how to live like Him"?  

I doubt it!

Or what if the 3-year-old decided they're a mermaid or merman?  You gonna let them take off all their clothes, jump in the water and swim away?

Of course not!

What about if they decided to be racist?  What if they looked at someone of a different color and said, "I don't like them because of their skin color," and they tried to avoid people of a different color?  Would you allow them to decide, to be "who they are," to express their own values?  Would you support that?  

Or would you gently guide them to know the truth that we are all human and all alike inside, that color doesn't make a difference at all?  (I hope so!)

But if your child wanted to be transgender!?!  

Oh, you want a transgender child, don't you?  Because that's the newest way to get attention and to seem trendy.  So of course you will celebrate and encourage that, and lock your child into it before they can change their mind again.  

Parents act like they don't want to "define" their child according to the gender they're born with.  But their more than okay with defining their young child's gender based on some momentary fantasy the child has.

Parents, when you deny your child's actual gender so that they can pick their own, you are not so much "letting them decide who they want to be, celebrating whoever they want to be" as you are "denying who they really are."

And that's sad!  To have parents who ignore, deny, or downplay a child's boyness or girlness has got to be discouraging.  It's telling a child that a very intimate, important part of them doesn't matter and isn't important and isn't even real.

I think that would be very discouraging and shaming to the child, not affirming and supportive!

Maybe Mario won't stick by it, but I will:  

It's irresponsible and dangerous for any parent to lock their young child into whatever the newest "fantasy" is.

If a child is truly transgender, they will still be transgender when they grow up.  Do not lock a child into a fantasy while they are young.  Do not live through them or use them for your 15 minutes of fame.  Do not oversexualize them and make them grow up too fast.

Just let them be young.  Let them be kids.

And people, get a backbone!

If you take a stand against the utter nonsense this country is spewing, then stand confidently and unapologetically.  Young people need you to be leaders, to stand up for truth, to guide them and protect them, and to not sacrifice them to the twisted, backwards, lack-of-commonsense "progressive movements."

[And I can only imagine the pressure Hollywood people are under, with their careers on the line every time they say something that offends someone.  (And someone will always be offended!)  But it still doesn't make it right to embrace or condone nonsense, to apologize for having an opinion on something controversial.  

But really, I feel bad for Mario.  He's always tried to be so positive and friendly to everyone.  Don't be too hard on him.  Almost all of us are not in his position and can't possibly understand the pressure he's under and the severe consequences nowadays of saying one wrong thing.  We are not the ones being torn apart in the public eye.  Don't be too hard on him.  He's only human.  

And it's not his fault that he's in this situation so much as it's society's fault.  This is the chaos we've created with our "No one can say anything that offends me" mentality, for demanding that everyone apologizes for having opinions that we don't like or agree with, for threatening to boycott them or get them fired or destroy their reputations for saying one little thing we don't like, and for continuing to apologize to people even when we shouldn't have to.  Apologizing when we shouldn't only makes the bullies more powerful and aggressive.]

Get a backbone and a brain!

Stand taller and be smarter than all the mindless, spineless jellyfish who are floating along wherever the current takes them, surrounded by a bunch of other mindless, spineless jellyfish who are all-too-easily swept up in the current too!

We have enough jellyfish out there!  It's time for more good, brave people to be leaders, to take a stand, leading the way back to commonsense, decency, and maturity (being able to tolerate things we don't like in a respectful way, having our own opinions while allowing others to have theirs)!

I don't do social media things (except for blogging), but if I did, I'd tag this #nomorejellyfish!

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