So this is what we've come to!?! Wrongful Birth Lawsuits!?!
Yeah, all of this Social Justice stuff and the "entitlement attitudes" and the lack of taking responsibility has made us Much! Better! People!
Wrongful Birth Lawsuits (Because apparently having Down's Syndrome is a good reason to abort a baby. And if you didn't get the chance to abort, it's a good reason to sue and get money for having to deal with the fact that your Down's Syndrome child lived, much to your dismay. Which, of course, will drive the medical prices up for everyone.):
The "right to abort" an unwanted child now means we get the right to have people give us money if we missed the chance to abort an unwanted child! So ... those who would never have aborted their child, no matter what, do the right thing and take responsibility for their Down's Syndrome child and the expenses ... but those who would have aborted their Down's Syndrome child but missed the "opportunity" should expect other people to pay for the care of their child!?! Interesting!
It used to be that you got upset and felt cheated when someone you loved died unexpectedly. Now people get upset and feel cheated when someone didn't die who they think should have and they resent the cost of taking care of them.
Speaking of abortion, get a load of this woman: Viral PBS Video Shows Woman Thanking Her Babies For Choosing Her Before She Aborts Them (Well, at least she said "Thank you." That was nice.)
How about Alyssa Milano sharing how thankful she is that she aborted her two children, who would be about 26 years old now, because she didn't want them getting in the way of her happiness: Alyssa Milano Says "Life Would Lack All Its Great Joys" If Not For My Abortions. [Well, I'm glad you're happy, Alyssa. It's just too bad you had to sacrifice those two little, innocent, inconvenient "killjoys" to get that happiness. I mean, it's not like we should do the right thing and take responsibility for our actions or anything. So much better to sacrifice others for our own pleasure! Way to go! Hooray for you! Too bad for them, but at least you're happy!]
This is what happens when we raise kids with an "I just want you to be happy ... It's all about you" mindset. "It's all about your happiness and what you want. Don't let anything stand in your way."
Well, now those kids have grown up and aren't letting anything stand in their way and all they care about is their happiness and they don't know how to take responsibility for their actions!
And how about this disgusting undermining of parents:
Teen Vogue Gives Children Clear Instructions On How To Get An Abortion Without Parental Consent (Good thing we've got a reliable, trusted, moral source like Teen Vogue helping to raise our children for us! Because parents simply can't help their children make wise, responsible choices. And parents definitely shouldn't have a say in their children's major medical decisions! I mean, of course they should pay for their kid's care, spending at least 18 years providing for their children, and they should take responsibility for anything that might go wrong, but they certainly shouldn't be allowed to be involved in their child's major health-care decisions. Because parents don't know a thing, at least not as much as Teen Vogue does. And they don't care about their kids as much as Teen Vogue does. So good thing Teen Vogue is there for our kids!)
And how about this fun, new toy called "Dead Unwanted Baby": Gruesome Viral Video Appears To Show Doctors Playing With Aborted Babies Before Tossing Them Like Trash
Like I said: Much better people!