The Evans Family Discusses Faith and Loss

I have been feeling fragile lately.  Too many heartbreaks.  Too many losses.  Too many feelings of "Bad things always happen.  Where is the hope?  Where is the peace and joy?"  I wake up with anxiety in my stomach (and I have for years), and it takes time and lots of conscientious, biblical thought and prayer to subdue it.  And because of this mental and emotional overload, I have been unable to write much.  I know I need to write less for now, even to think less, and to instead just spend time in the Lord's presence and in the Word, being filled instead of trying to fill others.  (So bear with me as I repost things and share links to other people's writing.  I just can't write new stuff myself right now.)  I am working on wrestling my anxious mind, to take my thoughts captive (long-term, ingrained, negative thoughts and fears) and to replace them with God's Truth.  It's a slow process.  But I'm working on it.

Anyway, I don't know why I clicked on this video (The Evans Family Discusses Faith and Loss) today (the last thing I need is to hear about other tragedies and heartaches), but I was captivated by it, just listening to the family of my favorite preacher - Tony Evans - talk honestly about a tragic loss they experienced the night before and how they are getting through it, how they are clinging to their faith and trusting God in this time of heartache.  I cried with them.  I found comfort in their transparency.  And I found encouragement in their faith.

(Sadly, Tony Evans' wife just passed away December 2019.  Dr. Evans has had many losses close together.  And yet he keeps clinging to the Lord and praising God in the pain.  I was just saying the other day that if I could get a hug from anyone in the world besides my family, it would be him.  I would let him hug me and I would cry.  May the Lord bless this beautiful family for their faithfulness!)

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