Some Interesting - and Terrifying - Articles About The Virus Pandemic

I'm not gonna say what I believe about all this (other than I totally believe something about this coronavirus pandemic isn't adding up, something's fishy, and that regardless of how it started, it will be used for political purposes, and that all the pieces for the Mark of the Beast and the One World Government are rapidly falling into place), but these are for your consideration ... (Oh, and I just have to say that considering the wide range of possible coronavirus symptoms I've read about - breathing trouble, sore throat, heart trouble, red and swollen spots on toes, blood clots, pink eye, digestive trouble, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of smell or taste, strokes, etc. - it seems very possible to me that this could totally be a man-made virus.  It sounds like the result of a witch's brew, something that can only come from some skilled, man-made tinkering.  Have we ever seen natural respiratory viruses act this way!?!):

"Put a 'Made In China' Sticker On It and Call It a Day"

"What In The World Is Happening?"

ID2020 Certification Mark: ... Call for a Digital ID"

"Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Exposes Bill Gates' Vaccine Agenda in Scathing Report"   

            [Why does every freakin' news article out there say that "Everything will be all better once we have a coronavirus vaccine" and "We'll never be safe again until there's a coronavirus vaccine" and "We can only go back to normal when there's a coronavirus vaccine"?  Has a vaccine ever stopped the flu, a virus we have known about and tried to stop for years and years?  Did a vaccine really cure polio, when apparently (as I've read in a few places) the only polio that went around at the end was the vaccine-induced strain?  I've also read this about the measles outbreak a few years ago, that it wasn't a wild strain but the vaccine strain.  (Any yet what did everyone do?  Claim that the only way to cure it was more vaccines!)
            And yet somehow these politicians and medical geniuses think a coronavirus vaccine is the thing that will save us, that it's the only solid, foolproof answer there is.  How can they be so confident about a vaccine for this new virus we know nothing about - to the point of pinning everything on it, our future, our economy, our jobs, our rights and freedoms, our laws, every hope - when we can't even defeat the viruses we do know about?
            Unless ... they really do know more about it than they're telling us, maybe using it for their political agendas, to manipulate the world.  I tell ya, something's fishy.  Something's fishy when doctors are instructed on how to get "coronavirus" on a death certificate when they never even tested the person for coronavirus or when there were other contributing factors, and when people are being included in the coronavirus death count who never tested positive for it.  But ... this might lead to higher coronavirus numbers and more fear/panic, which causes more people to fall in line with the globalization-vaccine-digital ID agenda, playing right into the hands of certain people.
            And it wouldn't surprise me one bit if - after telling us that creating a new vaccine will take 4-5 years then lowering it to a couple years then lowering it to 18 months then lowering it even more - if all of a sudden, SURPRISE, they have a vaccine out in just a few shorts months, far quicker than anyone thought possible for a "new" virus that "mysteriously and unexpectedly" popped up in humans.  And we'll fall on our knees, kissing their feet, praising them as heroes for so quickly and brilliantly discovering this crucial, life-saving vaccine that will save the world as we know it.
            I tell ya, something's just not right when someone tells you over and over again that only one thing can save us and the world as we know it ... and, lo and behold, they are the only ones who can provide it.  (Unless you're talking about Jesus and salvation!)  Something's fishy here.  Just watch and see.  This is just my opinion on it, but what do I know.  (I'm not saying it's not a real virus that's doing real damage.  And I'm not speculating on how it started or who started it.  But I am saying that it will be used for "end times" agendas, regardless of how it started.)
            And on a different note, regarding the coronavirus tests everyone is doing to see if you have the virus: What about the possibility of an accidentally-contaminated test actually infecting you with the virus?  I also read somewhere (but can't find it again) about other countries possibly deliberately-contaminating tests to give you coronavirus.  Can you be so sure that they're not shoving the virus into your body?  If you got sick after the test or if the test came back positive even though you felt fine, could you prove they didn't give you a contaminated test?  What about the faulty tests that don't work?  Or those contaminated with bacteria?  I wouldn't put too much faith in these tests.  Not if you don't absolutely have to.]

"World Health Organization Official Dr. Michael Ryan, who attended Event 201, Calls For Coronavirus Victims to be Forcibly Removed From Their Homes"   
            [I wonder if Trump defunding WHO wouldn't be so bad after all!  And I'm just throwing this out there, but there's talk that "immunity certificates" should be required for people to go back to work, that they need to have a test to see if they had coronavirus or the vaccine, to show they are now "immune" to it.  And then these supposedly "immune" people can go back to work.
            Umm, how reliable can this be if people who had coronavirus are testing positive again for it after they recovered, and if experts are unsure that getting the virus even leads to future immunity?  (So I guess if getting the disease isn't the answer then the "only reliable answer" would be to get the vaccine, right!?!)  Yet this "immunity/antibody testing" will probably be how the government gets a bunch of trusting, eager, desperate people to hand over their DNA to a giant database to keep track of them.  And I'm sure, of course, that it will be presented as "the surefire, foolproof answer" to getting our economy back on track and life back to "normal" again.  Even though this virus is apparently unpredictable.
            Can you see what a mess this could create, how things can go wrong here, the possible disastrous consequences of such a requirement and certificate, of separating (and labelling) the supposedly "safe" people from the "unsafe" people?  I think a certificate like this will cause more harm than good, especially given that this virus doesn't play nice.  (And what other information will they harvest, store, and report from your DNA?  Do you really think you're handing over information only about your coronavirus immunity?)
            And just watch, the more people that voluntarily get this vaccine, the more they'll attack those who don't, accusing them of putting everyone's health at risk, even though vaccines are supposedly supposed to prevent you from getting the disease.  But ... if the vaccines are "so effective" then why would they be so afraid of catching this disease from those who didn't get the vaccine?  And if they have to be afraid of catching the disease anyway, even though they were vaccinated, then maybe vaccines aren't the "surefire, foolproof answer" they think they are.  And maybe we shouldn't be basing our whole future and economy on it.  And maybe it's more unwise to take the health risks of injecting your body with harmful substances when you can still catch the disease anyway.  That's two dangers for the price of one, instead of just taking the one risk of catching the disease.
            So in conclusion, if those who get the vaccine really have faith in that vaccine, then prove it by not worrying about those who refuse the vaccine.  You do what you think is best for you, and let others do what they think is best for them.  Because in reality, we'll probably never really be able to prove the effectiveness of the vaccine, especially since by the time it's introduced, the disease will have run its course and worked itself out of the population naturally.  Not to mention, it will probably morph over time anyway, always staying one step ahead of our efforts to defeat it, like the flu, always popping back up again in a different form to re-infect us again.  (How can they be sure immunity will last and is a sure thing when there's so many variations of this virus?)  And yet, we'll continue to inject people's bodies with foreign, dangerous substances, not knowing the unforeseen long-term effects of these other substances on a body, of tinkering with nature, of trading in one horror for another.  And I would speculate that if the disease keeps popping up after most people are vaccinated, it may be because of the vaccine, not in spite of it.  (Besides, do you think there's money to be made for a vaccine-company if diseases are truly eradicated?  What's a fundamental principle of a company?  To stay in business!)
            On a side note, it's interesting to me that this idea of issuing "immunity passports" may have originated in Germany, the same country that also issued the Star of David to Jews during World War 2.  I'm just sayin', I find it ... interesting, that's all.]

(Warning: If you haven't read 1984 yet ... DON'T!  I mean, yes, do read it because it's a timely warning.  But no, don't read it.  Gave me a frickin' panic attack because I can see just how possible it is.  And I read it well before all this coronavirus stuff.)

"The Strange Reported Symptoms of Coronavirus Like "Fizzing" and "Electric Shocks" Are Making The 5G Conspiracy Theories Credible"  (I wouldn't really think much of this, expect for that it looks to me like our town - surprise, surprise - just installed a bunch of 5G units on the water tower that's a quarter-mile from our house.  Right at the start of lockdown.  Interesting timing, no!?!)  

"What To Do If You Miss The Rapture"  (And I would add: Run out and buy a bunch of seeds for planting and some chickens for eggs, and some good books on farming and self-sufficient living, and some essential items, the kind you need for living in the middle of nowhere without electricity or stores, things such as canned food, can openers, water filters, and even antibiotic ointment and bottles of lavender essential oil and tea tree oil for infections and bug bites.  I'm just sayin', it could get rough.)

[Don't let these articles give you a panic attack.  Remember, God is still in control, and He will work His plans out with all that's happening, and we can always call on Him in prayer.  But if you don't know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, now is the time to get to know Him.]

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