She hit the nail on the head! Amen, come, Lord Jesus!
A neighbor just sent this link to me , a video clip (just a minute long) from a woman sharing how she is just done with everything, how she's on autopilot and just wants Jesus to come back again. I absolutely get everything she said and have felt the same way for several years now. Can anyone else relate? Here's a transcript of what she said (I think she voiced what a lot of us have been feeling, like we've been treading water, just trying to get by until the end): "Does anybody else just ... I'm just, like, checked out of this planet. I told God today, like, I'm ready. I've been ready, but I'm like ready ready. I don't feel like there's anything that I care about anymore. I just want to go home. You know, I just want to be done. I don't want to battle all of the little battles anymore. I don't want to pay my taxes anymore - because I know where the money's going. I don't want to go to the grocery store and spend $40...