Songs to Encourage

I woke up this morning with that sinking feeling of "Everything's going wrong in the world.  Everything is falling apart."

Falling apart?

Or falling into place?

I truly think we are headed towards the end times.  In fact, I have been sure for years that it's almost here, whatever "almost" meant.  And so none of what's going wrong in the world surprises me.  I would actually be more surprised if the rapture doesn't happen by the end of the year than I would be if it did.  But that's just me.

Anyway, these songs were on my mind this morning, a comfort in troubling times (godly music, along with prayer and immersing yourself in God's Word, is one of the best ways to fill your heart with hope when the world offers none):

Lord (I Don't Know) by Newsboys  [We don't have to know what's going on or where it's all headed ... because it's enough that He knows!]

Fell Apart by The City Harmonic  [One of my favorite opening lines in a song ever.  It's okay to fall apart .. when you know the One who can put you back together again!]

Hallelujah by Newsboys  [Looking forward to that day!]

Coming My Way  [Getting on with living, heading in His direction, while we're waiting for the Lord to meet us in the middle!  That's what it's all about.]

Praise the Lord by The City Harmonic  [Praising the Lord when all is going wrong - sometimes that's the only way to find peace in the midst of trouble!]

Oh, What Love by The City Harmonic  [This will always be one of my all-time favorites.  There is no greater love than this!] 

(For more great songs, click here.)

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