Will Revival Lead to the Rapture?

In this article, Greg Laurie speculates that the revivals we are seeing in America may be leading up to the rapture, when Jesus comes back again to take His people out before the tribulation.  He says that many millions of Americans disappearing would explain why America is not described in the Bible in the end times.  

I pray this is so!

I myself wondered this just the other day when I was thinking about the revivals going on recently.  I was thinking how amazing it is to see thousands of people come to Christ in the past months, especially in a culture that's becoming increasingly hostile to Christians.  

And then, I was wondering if this is God's "last call" before Jesus comes back again.  

Our country - our world - is so polarized right now.  Everyone's taking sides, even churches.  They either choose to reject God's Truth and God's ways, or to accept them.  To make God into who they want Him to be, or to worship Him for who He is.

It's a level of polarization we haven't seen before.

My thought is that God is drawing lines in the sand.  That He's telling people to choose which side they want to be on.  He's forcing people to decide by allowing things to be so polarized.

Because Jesus is coming back soon.

I wonder if these revivals will lead to the "fullness of the Gentiles" coming into God's kingdom, which will then lead to the end.

I pray this is so!  I am so ready!

Are you?

Some posts to consider:

It's Sooner Than You Think

Will There be a Rapture?

The Stages of the End Times

Should Christians Worry about Being Left Behind?

God is love, but love is NOT a god!

To Compromising Christians:

Jesus Wasn't Always "Nice"

Songs about the Rapture and Heaven

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