To Compromising Christians:

How many of us Christians think that - if we were put in the position - we'd be willing to die for our faith in Jesus?

Yet how many of us would really be willing to die for Him ... when we aren't even willing to really live for Him?  

When we're so willing to compromise God's Truth to please men?  To please ourselves?

Far too many Christians trade in Gospel Truth so that they don't offend anyone.  Whole denominations are changing God's Word to make people happy.  

We cut out the parts of the Bible we don't like and say things like, "Oh, the Bible doesn't really address that or isn't really clear on it.  So let's just let everyone think what they want, letting grace and love rule."  

When in reality the Bible is really clear on it.

We just wish it wasn't.  

(If the foundation of grace and love isn't built on God's Truth then it's not a grace and love that's flowing from Him.)  

We fear men, instead of fearing God.  And we are more concerned that we might offend men, when we should be more afraid of offending God.

We don't need more wishy-washy Christians, telling the world what it wants to hear, taking soft, compromising stands on the Gospel.  

We need strong, brave, bold, discerning ones.  We need Christians who are willing to say the hard things, to uphold Truth above all compromising nonsense.  

We need Truth in love, not love with half-truths.  Twisted truths.  Like so many Christians are doing today.  

(Half-truths and twisted truths are how Satan got Adam and Eve to eat the fruit.  Half-truths are more dangerous than whole lies because they're harder to discern as false.)

If we can't even live for Jesus, how could we dare think we'd be willing to die for Him?

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