Christian Testimony about Spiritual Warfare (Jessica)

I've linked to this woman's testimony before, about how she became a Christian after being an atheist (click here to see it).  But I recently stumbled across her YouTube channel again, and I saw that she had posted some videos on spiritual warfare, and so I watched them, and they're good.  And she speaks from experience - her sister and mother are practicing witchcraft, and it pours over into her life and family.  It's a shame that she had to put up some strong walls with her sister and mother because of it, but she is right in doing so.  For her own spiritual protection and that of her children. 

[Update: While I like and recommend her testimony video and the one on spiritual warfare, I am leery of the current ones she's posting about dreams and prophetic messages.  I am very wary about that kind of stuff, especially when it's about earthly blessings or opportunities.  Personally, I'd stay away from (or at least be very cautious and discerning about) messages and promises that come from other people, since they are not directly from God or His Word.  Anytime we get our messages from other people, we can be led astray.]


[Say a prayer for her and her family about the spiritual warfare.  What a hard place to be in.  I understand to a small degree.  I had to cut off contact with a cousin who is a Satan worshipper.  And I've had to put up very strong boundaries with my own mother who I believe is very deep into her lies and possibly into demonic oppression because of her lies, even though she's a believer.  At least I believe she is.  But a very wayward one.  It's sad.  And I'm wary of a relative who is very into horoscopes and horror movies and other New Age-ish things... and a niece who's into Dungeons and Dragons and gender-neutral/LGBTQ things, etc.  Demons are behind these things, and they are everywhere.  And I think we'll all start seeing it infiltrate the world and our relationships more and more.  And we Christians should have a firm foundation in God and a proper, biblical understanding of the spiritual battle before it starts.

A word about Dungeons and Dragons: I wish I could remember where I read this, but I read one Christian's research into D&D, and he (or she, can't remember) warned that today's D&D is not your grandma's D&D, that it's become much more occultic and satanic.  He said that the people who created the game interviewed Satanists/witches so that they could make the spells as accurate as possible.  I wouldn't mess around with this, if I were you.  It's a doorway, a "welcome mat" for demons to come into your life.  Recently, I heard that my niece was playing it with her friends, and some weird wind or noise or something or other - can't remember what it was, but it shouldn't have been there - blew through the house, and my brother-in-law, who is not a believer, casually and comically remarked to his daughter, "What kind of demons are you summoning with those games?"  He apparently took it casually, but when I heard about it, I raised my eyebrows to my husband in a "he doesn't know how right he is!" kind of way.  And sadly, he probably won't realize it until it's too late.] 

However, I would correct her when she says that she doesn't think Christians can experience "sleep paralysis," demonic harassment at night.  Here's my story of it, and it came to me when I was growing stronger in the Lord than I previously had been.  [FYI: I watched her husband's testimony, and it was good.  But I do caution people about the pastor he says influenced him the most: John MacArthur.  MacArthur is a Calvinist of the highest order, and anyone who reads my blogs knows how I feel about Calvinism.  So be careful with whatever theological views you might hear about the gospel, salvation, or God's character.] 

Watch these videos.  Because I think we'll see more and more demonic activity - and that it will hit closer and closer to home - the darker this world gets and the closer we get to the end, and so it's good to know this stuff ahead of time:

Spiritual Warfare (Witchcraft, New Age) (30 minutes long)

Spiritual Warfare - How the enemy attacks you  (29 minutes)

She shares more in-depth about her mother here: Spiritual Warfare, Witchcraft, New Age Deception (39 minutes)

And on that note, here's a Carman song I've always loved: Witch's Invitation

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