More Gender Nonsense

Okay, so about 40% of Americans in a recent survey say that gender isn’t determined at birth. 


Hmm? … Let me think about that a minute …

If I say that a horse isn’t a horse, that it’s really born as an unspecified species and that, if it wants to, it can grow up to be a squirrel or a dog or a cow … does it really change its “horseness”?  If I say that my chromosomes are not human chromosomes but eagle chromosomes, does it make me an eagle?    

Does denial or wishful thinking change reality?

We can live in denial of reality, but our beliefs don’t change reality.

(It’s funny … but living in denial of reality used to be called “crazy.”  Delusional.  Now it’s considered hip and progressive and celebratory.)

The thing is … our X or Y chromosomes are not just in our reproductive organs.  They are in every cell of our being, along with the rest of our chromosomes.  And that’s just basic science.

You can take many steps to change your body and you can identify with whatever you want to, but you can’t change the deep-down, chromosomal, scientific reality of it all.

You just can’t.

I know people want to show support for those who want to change their genders, but is spreading scientifically-false ideas the way to help.  Do we really hear what we're saying - that gender isn't real, that our chromosomes and reproductive parts don't make us boys or girls?  Do we really hear ourselves?  

And do we really believe it?  Or are we just afraid to take a stand, feeling pressured to appease a society that is hell-bent on destroying anyone who gets in their way and who dares to tell the truth?  

Or maybe it's just that we want to sound hip and progressive and "open-minded," like the big-mouths out there who are so forcefully vocalizing nonsense.  (Open your mind too much and it falls out!)  

Is this really what we've been reduced to, denying basic truths?  (And where will that kind of thinking lead us?) 

Let’s stop spreading the false idea that gender isn’t determined at birth, that there is no such thing as boys and girls.  Instead, let’s just more accurately say that people can do whatever they can to alter their bodies and to live as the gender they want (I'm not condoning it, just saying it happens), but it still doesn’t change the fact that we are all born with a pre-determined gender.  That boys and girls are real.

I'm truly concerned for the generation of young, trusting children who are going to be raised on that kind of nonsense, that they are being told to accept false facts as truth.  I'm concerned for what that will do to their minds, their morals, and their belief in basic truths and in "right" and "wrong."  

And I am concerned about what it will do to their self-esteem, to their thoughts and feelings about their own sexuality and about being a boy or a girl.  Being told over and over again by trusted adults that their gender doesn't matter and that it isn't real is going to have some distressing, unintended consequences on the hearts and minds and future relationships of trusting, innocent children.  Just you wait and see! 

(And could this not also lead to a huge increase in the number of "gender confused" people - of people who wouldn't have been confused had they not been told over and over again that it's normal to be confused because gender isn't real?  Or, let's be honest, of people who deliberately dabble with being "confused" because it makes them feel hip, because they want to be part of the newest "movement," and because they get praised for it - thereby making it seem more common than it really is, resulting then in even more gender confusion?  Not that there are not some genuinely "gender confused" people out there, but aren't we as a society responsible for creating more of it, feeding this confusion to the public, and making it grow?)

[And you know what ?  They’re correct that our gender isn’t determined at birth.

It’s determined at conception.  

Oh yeah ... I just went there.]

(reposted from Heather's Garden and Home)

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