A Weekly Dose of Satire

I love satire.  Always have.  Here are some good pieces I just found:

Miraculous: Clump of Cells Transforms into Fully-Formed Baby Upon Womb Exit  (This has happened to me four times!  It's amazing!  Caused my doctor to shout out in surprise: "Oh my goodness!  A huge chunk of your body just fell out of you!")

Nation's Christians Shocked That Popular CCM Artist Doesn't Have Robust Theology

In Upcoming Reboot, Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer To Sue Santa Claus For Discrimination

Veggie Tales Producers Apologize For Episode Where Larry The Cucumber Joins The KKK

Woke Parents Refuse To Assume Newborn Baby's Nutrition Preferences

Hollywood Working On Official List Of Comedians It's OK To Laugh At  (Always great to have more "thought police" and "social justice warriors" working for us, making the world a better place!)

Most Popular Posts of the Week:

List of Calvinist Preachers, Authors, Theologians, Websites, etc.

It's Time To Be Horrified!

Christian Testimony: Gordon - "How I Became a Christian"

The Gospel Project: Calvinist or not?

Giggle Translate #1: Random Facts About Me (Skydiving, Flashlights, and I'm a WHAT!?!)

Songs About The Rapture and Heaven

On Spurgeon's "Calvinism is the gospel"

Spiritual Warfare: Resources

The Evans Family Discusses Faith and Loss