Saying a Prayer for Pete Davidson

My goodness, my heart breaks for this guy, SNL's Pete Davidson.  No one should have to feel this way.

If you are a believer, please join me in praying for him.  Feeling the way he does is hard enough ... but add the fact that he's going through this in the public's heartless and cruel eye, and it's got to be excruciating.

I'm praying for you, Pete!  Hang in there!  There is hope.

Dear Heavenly Father, 

I want to lift Pete up to You right now.  He is hurting and in need of hope.  Please, surround him with Your heavenly angels right now, to keep evil away, to keep evil from making things worse.

Please put Your truth in his path - about Your love and forgiveness, about the salvation You offer through Jesus Christ, about the hope that's found only in You, and about the healing You can bring to any hurting heart.  Surround him with these messages of truth and hope and love.  Give him eyes to see and ears to hear.  Bring him the help he needs.  Prevent evil from interfering with this help and with Your Truth.

I pray that You would block the mean-spirited, negative messages - the bullying - coming from others.  I pray that You would work in these bullies' lives to show them how wrong it is to beat others down when they are already hurting so much.  Teach them how important it is for all of us to reach out and help others in need, that we need to comfort those who hurt and help them find hope and healing.

I pray this in Jesus's most holy name, Amen

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