Political Correctness At Its Best

Read this article.  Go ahead ... I'll wait ... 


Okay, can I just say ... "Wow, how utterly pathetic that this is what we've come to.  That people are so pathetically overly-sensitive that schools are making pathetic rules like this to protect all these pathetically-fragile, snowflake feelings."

Seriously, this is just sad.  Is this what "handing out awards to everyone so that no one feels left out" and "not using red pens to correct homework because the color red is distressing and makes kids feel bad" led us to?  Being overly concerned with protecting everyone's fragile feelings?  Reminding people over and over again just how fragile their feelings are, and how they shouldn't ever to have to hear or tolerate anything that might hurt their feelings or that they might disagree with?  

And now educators are being told to not use the words "do" and "don't" when giving instructions!?!  Seriously!?!

How did we get so pathetic?  So weak and fragile and overly sensitive?

Let me ask ... what's going to be more distressing to people: 

Being given academic "do" and "don't" guidelines?  Or being given a huge, growing, evolving list of words, phrases, topics, and actions that we can't talk about or do because we might offend someone, which might consequently lead to us being sued or losing our job?

Personally, I think this overly-sensitive, hyper-politically-correct culture is going to make us all more anxious and more miserable than anything else.  It's going to make us less capable of being tolerant, not more.  It's going to make us hate each other more than making us love and respect each other more.

Because we are being taught to always look for the ways that others are offending us or breaking the PC rules.  We are taught to destroy people online and in court, simply for not agreeing with us or for hurting our feelings.  

So pathetically sad that it doesn't even sound real.

How about instead of teaching people to constantly avoid "emotionally-triggering" words to keep from potentially offending all the super-sensitive people, we start teaching the super-sensitive, always-offended people to grow up, to mature a little more, to gracefully deal with things they don't like in a mature, responsible way?

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