If You Are Rejecting God ... (And "What is Calvinism?")

If you find yourself rejecting God because of some of the terrible or confusing things others tell you about Him, and you don't want anything to do with Him because you don't think you can trust a God like that ... it might just be that they are telling you about the Calvinist God.  It might be that you are simply rejecting Calvi-god, because you sense that something's very wrong with him.  

Well, I say that you're right.  Something is very wrong with him.  And he is not the God of the Bible!

Calvinists will say that Calvinism IS the Gospel, that they are one and the same.  (For more on what Calvinism teaches and why it's wrong, see some of the links to other people's Anti-Calvinist writing, farther down the list after the links to mine, in "Links to other Anti-Calvinism Posts".)   

But do you want to know my brief answer to "What is Calvinism?"...

It's Satan disguised as Light.  It's a wolf in sheep's clothing.  It's cleverly-packaged lies, twisting Scripture so subtly that people aren't even aware they are being led astray.  It's so willingly accepted and easily spread because it makes people feel like they are being truly humble, like they are honoring God, if they accept that twisted theology without any questions or push-back.  It's using God's Word against God.  

It is demonic!  

And it does enormous damage to God's Truth, God's character, Jesus's sacrifice, and people's faith.  In fact, I think Calvinism bears some of the blame for the atheism that's out there today.  Because who wants to get close to a "god" like that!?!  Who can trust a "god" like that!?!

But before you reject God altogether, I suggest getting to know the God of the Bible first.  Yes, the God of the Bible can still be scary and a bit confusing.  But even when He's hard to understand and His ways are hard to accept sometimes, He makes sense.  And He can be trusted, if you get to know Him for who He really is. 

Throw out Calvi-god, and read the Bible to see who God really is.  (And I would say start with the New Testament, so you can see what God in the flesh (Jesus) is like, before trying to understand the God of the Old Testament.)  

Do not lose your chance for eternal life by letting someone convince you that Calvi-god is the God of the Bible.  "But I didn't like the God of Calvinism, and so I rejected You altogether" will not be an acceptable excuse when you stand before God and give an account for why you didn't believe in Him.  Throw out the Calvinism, and take the time to find out who God really is.  It's worth whatever time it takes.  Because your eternal soul depends on it!


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