Normalizing Pedophilia!?! Horrifying!

Very, very disturbing:  San Diego State University Normalizes Pedophilia.  According to this article, THIS is the kind of demonic lies they are teaching your kids.  That pedophilia is as acceptable as any other sexual orientation.  (Warning: The Joseph Paul Watson video at the end of the article contains cussing.  And it's VERY disturbing.  But it's worth watching because he speaks the truth.  And I have recently heard about something that he mentions too, that there's a new sexual fetish going around where people deliberately get pregnant repeatedly so that they can have multiple abortions.  For fun!  Please, Lord Jesus, just come back now!)

Parents, colleges are using your money to teach your kids that it's okay for adults to want to sleep with your younger, under-age children.

And if there is no push-back - if they can get people to accept this or to at least yawn and roll their eyes and ignore it, then it's just a very, very small step to get from "it's okay for adults to want to sleep with under-age children" to "it's okay for adults to sleep with under-age children."  And that will lead to the removal of laws that are meant to protect children from predatory adults.

You can bet that if this was people wanting to have sex with animals, animal activists would be fighting back, trying to protect the animals.

But who will protect the children!?!

What is it going to take for people to wake up and see what's going on!?!  How many children will have to pay a heavy price with their innocence before adults wake up, step up, and do the right thing, pushing back against the aggressive LGBTQ(+P)-community, taking a stand for truth, and refusing to be manipulated into keeping silent while wickedness spreads its destructive lies?

Satan is having a field day while good people keep silent!

But you know what?  I think most of us want to see good people speaking commonsense again.  I think we want to see people take a stand and push back against the country's slide into debauchery and immorality.  I think we want to see brave people step forward and speak up and guide the way back to truth and decency.

I think we want something good and pure to believe in again!  Something life-affirming and hope-filled and true!

Our children are counting on it!  They are counting on you!  We need a few good men and women who are willing to do the right thing and take a stand for truth, who are willing to boldly and unapologetically claim that there is still such a thing as truth.

When good men keep silent, evil spreads.  But when a good man takes a stand, others are inspired to do the same.  (See the actual Billy Graham quote here.  And you know the truest, most hope-filled thing to believe in?  Jesus Christ.  If you get that right, everything else will fall into place.)

[Also see "Since When Did This 'Drag Queen' Stuff Become Acceptable For Children?" and "Don't Tell Me How To Live My Life!"]

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