Truly Shameful - Protecting Sex Offenders Over Children!

Read this article by The Activist Mommy.  Go ahead; I'll wait.

Wichita Library Board Debates Whether to Ban Sex Offender's from Children's Events

So ... as taxpayers ... isn't it awesome to think that your local library would be unwilling to take the steps necessary to protect your children at public children's events from registered sex offenders, simply because it might offend some people in the LGBTQ-community!?!  

And look at what that Thomas Witt said, shaming people for taking steps to protect kids, accusing them of having "offensive" ulterior motives, as if parents shouldn't be allowed to take steps to protect their children.  

I don't care what someone's motive is or if they have some sort of secret ulterior motive ... We should all be taking steps to protect children.  Period!

But apparently the library board would rather allow registered sex offenders to mingle, up close and personal, with your children than risk hurting their feelings!  

What's next?  Allowing registered sex offenders to be your child's teacher?  To work in a daycare?  To lead public school field trips?  To take in foster kids?    

Well, sure ... I mean, why not?  We wouldn't want to hurt their feelings by making them feel ashamed of their predatory criminal past or anything! 

If I was a tax-payer and a parent in Wichita, I'd be furious!  

But I guess I'm just a little too old-fashioned, believing we should worry more about protecting our children than pampering the fragile feelings of sex offenders and a few people in the LGBTQ-community who might be offended.

Well, you know what?  I'm going to guess that registered sex offenders understand that they should be banned from working with children.  And I'm going to guess that if someone in the LGBTQ-community is offended about banning registered sex offenders from working with children, then there is something wrong with them and potentially dangerous, that they aren't as innocent and wholesome as they want us to think.

No one should be offended about taking steps to protect kids from registered sex offenders!

That anyone should even have to debate whether or not to take reasonable steps to protect children from known sex offenders is utterly shameful in itself!

My, how far we've fallen and how utterly stupid we've gotten!

Wake up, America!  Before it's too late!

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