So Chicken Sandwiches Hurt "Queer Kids" and Red Hats Are "Scary"!?!

So, there's this article out (an opinion piece in the Toronto Star) about how "eating at Chick-fil-A will increase the suffering of queer kids." 

And I say, "What?"

First off, if chicken sandwiches have the power to hurt "queer" folk, then maybe those "queer" folks need to toughen up a bit.  Life is a lot more cruel than a chicken sandwich will ever be.

And secondly, if chicken sandwiches from Chick-fil-A have the power to hurt queer people, it's only because the LGBTQ-community made it that way.  

Guess what Chick-fil-A sandwiches used to be - before the LGBTQ-warmongers started freaking out about Chick-fil-A, before they turned chicken sandwiches into a political statement, before they started quivering, hyperventilating, and screaming at the top of their lungs about how hateful Chick-fil-A is?  

Go ahead, take a guess?  

That's right ... they were just chicken sandwiches.  

And they would still be chicken sandwiches - instead of a political symbol of supposed hate and intolerance, capable of hurting LGBTQ-people - if the LGBTQ-community had just shut up about it and let Chick-fil-A be a restaurant, instead of turning chicken sandwiches into statements about what kind of person you are and what your values are.

This is on you, LGBTQ-people!  You are the ones hurting everyone, condemning people for the restaurant they eat at, judging everyone's character and morality and political stance by where they eat, manipulating public perception for your political purposes.  (Last I checked, we are still allowed to have differing views and values in our country.  This isn't Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four yet!)  

YOU turned it into something it was never intended to be,  YOU turned it into an "us vs. them" thing.  Into a political battle.  So don't blame the Chick-fil-A restaurant or customers for any "suffering" inflicted on "queer" folk.  YOU did this!  YOU turned chicken sandwiches into weapons!   

Don't blame anyone other than your rabid, foaming-at-the-mouth, always-looking-for-a-fight, intolerant selves!  You're the ones who wanted a war over chicken sandwiches.  Well, now you've got one!  Hope you're happy!

This reminds me of the opinion piece that came out about how "red hats" are scary and they freak people out, and so we should all just stop wearing red hats.  

The woman who wrote this said that anyone who doesn't support Trump ("normal people") should stop wearing red hats, because red hats are a "symbol of hate."    

Now, I'm not saying that she's not right about some MAGA-hat wearers and Trump supporters.  The far-right can be as scary as the far-left.

But do you know what an article like this does?  It sets people up to perceive anyone who wears red hats as dangerous, hate-filled, far-right, Trump supporters.  It manipulates public perception for political purposes.  (It's similar to how the liberal media set people up to believe all Trump supporters are racists.)  And it essentially takes away your right to wear what you want.  By putting unfair labels and judgment on you for what you wear.  By convincing people you are guilty of something, even if you're not, simply for the color you wear.

And how long will it be before this leads to violence and division and criminal penalties, all because someone wore the "wrong" color?

If we tolerate this nonsense, it will only give power to people to judge us and condemn us and hate us and eventually "punish" us for the color we wear.  (Just like with the chicken sandwiches we eat.)

Do not tolerate this nonsense.  All it does is cause more hatred and division and political problems.

It's racism in clothing form.

It's manipulation and power-plays by the liberals.

If red hats freak someone out, then maybe that's the person's fault, for letting red hats freak them out.  For being oversensitive.  For getting themselves worked up every time they see a red hat.  

Guess what?  Sometimes we feed our anxiety by ruminating about how anxious everything makes us.  And so maybe - instead of coddling those with phobias about "red hats," which would only further entrench their anxieties - maybe we should all start wearing red all the time (while eating Chick-fil-A chicken sandwiches) to help desensitize people to red so that it doesn't freak them out so much.  

If red becomes a "scary" political symbol, it will be because the red-phobic liberals made it that way, by screaming about how scary and political red is.

But if they just leave it alone, it will just be the color red.  

After all, why should everyone else change what they do just because you have made character judgments about surfacey things, like eating chicken sandwiches or wearing red?

I say that you can't always get what you want, life doesn't always go your way, and not everyone should have to cater to you.  

So the best thing you can do if you don't want life to terrorize you at every turn is simply get over your fear of red.  And of chicken sandwiches.  

There!  Problem solved!

Stop convincing yourself that you have to be afraid of those things.  Maybe even get to know some of the people who wear red and who eat at (or work at) Chick-fil-A, to find out that most of them are not as bad as you think they are and that they don't deserve to be pre-judged according to your assumptions.  

Time to grow up, tiny baby snowflakes!  

The world is a hard place.  And there's no point in making it harder than it already is, on yourself or on the rest of us.  And shame on those who do so!

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