God Help Us All! (And Greta Thunberg Makes Me Giggle)

Read the following article:

I agree with him:  May God help us all!

And speaking of crimes against nature, does this girl want to make anyone else laugh?

I simply cannot take that speech seriously when it looks like seriously bad acting, totally scripted, rehearsed, and overblown.  "Insert angry face here … add a tremble to your voice here … spew venom here …"

"And the Oscar goes to ... Greta Thunberg for her dramatic performance in You Have Stolen My Dreams!"

The sad part is that her pain is probably caused less by those who she thinks are hurting her and more by those who indoctrinated her and riled her up, who made her feel like life is hopeless and like there’s nothing waiting for her in the future but bleakness and death, and who took advantage of the fact that it’s easy to manipulate young people.  

No offense to her.  She's just a young 16-year-old girl who is being used by others for political purposes.  Who shouldn't be being used by others for political purposes.  She's right that she shouldn't be up there, that she should be back home in school.  That's exactly where she should be, living her young life, being a kid, not letting adults-with-a-political-agenda convince her that her future is full of only hopelessness and despair.

You know what?  It's a brilliant strategic move to put kids up there to fight their battles for them, because they know that people don't like to mock or criticize kids, especially "sad" or "upset" ones.  And so if anyone does, they will look like the big bad bullies - even if they're being critical of her message and of her being used as a pawn, not necessarily being critical of her personally - and people will rush to her defense.  She'll "win" simply because, as a child, she is considered un-criticizable.  As though what she says holds more weight because it's coming from the heart of an "innocent child."

I don't know about you - and I'm not doubting that she is truly angry - but when I see someone reading a speech off a script, a speech that has no doubt been carefully written and edited and practiced and reviewed and re-edited and practiced again to make it sound perfectly polished, it is very hard to believe that the emotion she's displaying during her speech is genuine, pure, "how I really feel right now" emotion.  That her "despair" is coming from the heart at that moment.

I don't doubt she's really upset - because people have convinced her to be! - but for me, this speech hits all the wrong notes.  They're overplaying their hand.  And it reeks of "adults strategically using a child for political purposes because no one will or should criticize what a 'child-victim' says."  It's strategic, political manipulation!  That's what it is!

So please note that I am not mocking her, but I think it's important to call this political move out for what it really is.  Because people are far-too-easily swayed by emotions, especially the emotional "distress" of children.  And the people who convinced this girl of her hopeless future, who helped her write her speech, who coached her in delivering it are counting on it.

(Heck, media is counting on it!  They manipulate people all the time with the stories they choose to print, how they slant them, which stories they DON'T print.  I have very little respect for or trust in the media anymore.  They are far too political nowadays!  And the public eats it up, following behind them like a bunch of brainwashed sheep.)

It's okay to agree with her that we need to take reasonable steps to protect our environment, but don't be a sucker, manipulated by brilliant, strategic, political ploys.  Always be thoughtful and discerning about what people say, about their message, instead of simply letting their emotions (especially carefully-crafted ones) manipulate you.

However, in her defense, I do think it was wrong for that guest on Fox News to bring up her "mental illness" like that, using it against her.  Unless it's a mental illness that should cause us to doubt the ability of the person to think clearly, it shouldn't be an issue.  No one should be using someone's "mental illness" against them like that, for political purposes, especially when it's a child.  You don't do that, okay.  You just don't.

(And you know what I think?  People would be much more willing to listen to speeches like these, to the concerns of environmentalists, if it wasn't always so Chicken-Little "The sky is falling, we're all DYING!" stuff.  If they presented a level-headed logical view, with ideas for how everyone can do something to help, then we'd be more likely to listen.  But when they come at you in a raging panic about how everything is an absolute hopeless disaster and about you must listen to them and you must do what they say or else everyone will die, well now you've just turned a bunch of people off.  Because most people know when someone is trying to manipulate them or play them for the fool.  And I bet most people who have a problem with this speech have a problem with it for precisely this reason.)

I'm all for taking care of this wonderful world that God gave us.  I think it's important to honor Him and glorify Him by doing our best with the resources He gave us.  But when you start worshipping the world instead of the Creator of the world, something's wrong.  When you're turning everywhere for help but to God, something's wrong.  When your values are so messed-up that you think killing humans is a "right" but hurting plants is a "wrong," something's wrong.

Why aren’t people showing this kind of emotion for and outrage towards the slaughter of babies in the womb?  For the real “mass extinction” that’s happening because of abortion, instead of the potential, maybe-someday-it-will-happen-IF-we’re-right possible extinction of some future day?

I’m telling you, something is seriously wrong here.  And if we don’t get it right – if we don’t turn to the only One who can really help us, the Creator of this world – then we truly are hopeless!  By our own choice and doing.  Seeking answers in all the wrong places.  Getting our priorities seriously out of order.

“Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you as well.”  Matthew 6:33  

(I bet we'll see "You've stolen my dreams" and "I'm one of the lucky ones" showing up in memes!

You know, like where a kid gets in trouble, so the parent takes away the kid's cellphone, and the kid yells "You've stolen my dreams!"  And the dad replies, "Oh yeah, well, be thankful I only took your cellphone, not your tablet too.  You're one of the lucky ones!"

Or where one kid opens his lunch at school and says "Ugh!  My mom packed a SPAM sandwich and celery for my lunch today.  She's stolen my dreams!," and the other answers "Well, my mom packed me pizza and a brownie.  I'm one of the lucky ones!"

Or one mom says "I have four different sporting events to drive my kids to this weekend.  They've stolen my dreams!," and the other mom says "My husband is taking our kids camping for the weekend, and so I get to be home alone for two days.  I'm one of the lucky ones!"

That kind of thing.  The possibilities are endless!)

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