The Left-Leaning of The Gospel Coalition

A little bit about the highly-Calvinistic "Gospel Coalition," behind the Christian front (for your discernment and information, to tuck in the back of your mind):

I never realized how politically "left" The Gospel Coalition is (our ex-church was listed with their 'church search,' probably because of our new Calvinist pastor), until this article:  TGC Doesn't Want You To Vote For Trump.  WE GET IT! 

And so I looked a little harder ... and found these (I'm sure I would've found more, but I only looked for a few minutes):  

Evangelical Leaders: Tell Us to Vote for Clinton  [Personally, I think "But look what kind of a person Trump is, so we have to vote for Hilary" is a pathetic excuse Christians use to rationalize their desire to vote for someone who would clearly drag our country down even more into immorality and godlessness.  That's my own opinion.  And I'm allowed to have it.  But what in the world is a supposedly godly organization like TGC doing making political endorsements like this!?!  I'm beginning to think they aren't as Christian as I assumed they were.  Here is someone's well-written opinion on the TGC's opposition to Trump:  The Gospel Coalition vs. Donald Trump.  You know what?  I'm praying that Trump gets in again in the next election, that God would bless Trump with another 4 years in office simply so that, in part, God can show people (like the liberal left, the rabid feminists, and people like the "Christians" in the so-called "Gospel" Coalition) that He can thwart their plans, no matter how much they rage against Him or how powerful they think they are.]

Be wary!  Be discerning about who you get your "Gospel" from!

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