The Importance of Brokenness

Such a great sermon, one we can all learn a lot from and be encouraged by:

"Encountering God's Process" by Tony Evans

(And here's a great 10-minute video from his daughter, Priscilla Shirer: "We're Desensitized to our Blessings."  It just seemed to speak so well to the crazy world we're living in right now, maybe because now seems like the perfect time to dig through all the distractions around us to find Jesus.) 
And it's funny because just the other day, I was updating and typing up a "Bible Study/workbook" thing I wrote years ago, called "Through the Refining Fire: Your 'Sweetly Broken' Journey," and the stuff Dr. Evans was saying in the beginning was almost exactly the stuff I had just typed up, about how God usually has to break us to rebuild us, how it's part of the process of spiritual growth.  

I am sending this "Through the Refining Fire" workbook to my relative who's in jail because she shares the Bible things I send her with other people on her floor.  I figure it's one way I can try to help turn this whole bad situation (her arrest) around for good, at least for someone.  She might not want what I send her, but maybe a fellow prisoner will get something out of it.  Who knows?  But it helps me to know that I'm not just wallowing in despair, but that maybe I can help some eternal good come out of this bad situation for someone, even if it's not her.  

Of course, all my efforts might not make much difference for anyone, might not help anyone find God's love, healing, truth, etc.  But if I don't send it then there's a 100% chance of not helping anyone.  And so I'd rather try, doing my part to get God's Word into a hopeless place that desperately needs it.  I mean, what an open door!  What a bittersweet blessing!  What a heart-breaking opportunity!  I'd be a fool to not take it, to not dive in as deeply as I can, to not go for broke.  How many people have someone "on the inside"?  How many people have an opening like that to get God's Word right into the middle of the mess, right into the hands and hearts of those who need it most?  

Yes, my heart is broken and I have to fight off anxiety every day (I am tired, so very tired), but there's work to be done, Kingdom work.  If you've got to walk the painful path anyway, why not do whatever you can to squeeze some eternal good out of it!  If you don't, then all you've got is the pain.  And so I'd rather try, praying that God can use it somehow, someday, for someone.  (Besides, getting busy doing what you're supposed to do and helping others are some of the best ways to fight anxiety.  That, and singing.  Out loud.  Even when you don't want to.  Another great way to fight off anxiety.)  

[Also, the officers have to read the mail that comes into the jail too.  So how cool is it to know that they are probably reading the letters I send my relative, all about God and faith and all the Bible verses.  Talk about a captive audience!  Talk about hitting two birds with one stone!  Not only do I have the opportunity to reach the inmates but also the officers (who, despite the fact they had to arrest my relative and make me testify against her, seem like really great people who I could've been friends with under other circumstances.  I have prayed for them too.).  That's my hope and my prayer anyway, that God's Word and Truth reaches whoever needs it, inmate or officer.  What an amazing, unexpected ministry opportunity.  Even if it's surreal and bizarre and disturbing and still doesn't feel like real life.]  

Anyway, I am updating this workbook, section by section, to make it shorter, more concise, and with better questions and verses.  If you're interested, check it out here.  (I will add the new sections as I update them.)  It's something you can do alongside another believer or just between you and God, but hopefully it will help you grow deeper in your walk with the Lord.  

Since I might not be adding new posts here for quite awhile (I've got a couple more scheduled for tomorrow, but I need a break, to be able to just rest and read, maybe paint or learn to draw, hopefully enjoy some snow, if we ever get any), I figured it might be nice to leave you with the link to this workbook.  Maybe it's something you can do as part of your New Year's resolution (as if we ever actually keep those).  Take care, and God bless.  And have a blessed Christmas tomorrow!

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