"Don't Tell Me How To Live My Life!"

Warning:  Long, angry, offensive rant ahead.  Buckle your seat-belts and hang on tight!

This caption that a mother put on a video of her daughter licking medical supplies in a doctor's office and then putting them back is one of the biggest underlying problems in our country today:  "Don't tell me how to live my life!"

When how you live your life affects other people's lives ... then you bet we have a right to speak up about what you're doing!

You are putting our safety at risk, just so you can be stupid!  Just so you can have a little rebellious fun and get your fifteen minutes of glorious fame, licking things and putting them back for others to stumble upon, doing things that civilized people in their right minds who act with some commonsense and decency would never do!  

And I'm talking to all you brainless, sub-human, disgusting slobs who spit into or lick things that other people end up buying or using!  

Do you really think we want your disgusting germs!?!  Your diseases!?!    

But you aren't thinking about what other people want, are you?  You're only thinking about what you want to do, right?  About your own fun and your fifteen minutes of fame?  I hope it was worth it when they arrest you.  Maybe a proper punishment would be for you to be forced to open your mouth while random strangers walk by and spit in.

We are going to blame you when we start getting sick because of contaminated food, when our food prices go up to make up for the tampered-with food, when we are afraid to go shopping and have to check the seal of everything we buy, never knowing when we might end up eating someone else's spit.

I'm glad that the cops arrest people like this.  They had better arrest all the people doing these things ... or else our health and economy and ability to enjoy our food will suffer.  (Also see this iced tea spitter and the ice cream licker and the mouthwash swisher and the potato pisser.  Yeah, you read that right!  I appreciate this woman's outrage!  But I still say the best punishment is having random strangers spit in their mouths (or pee on their food, for the potato-pisser).  And they should punish those who filmed the videos this way also.)   

Your life affects our lives.  So don't tell me to shut up about how you live your life!  

Oh, I'm not done yet.  I'm just getting started ...  

Because I'm not just talking about people licking medical supplies and unpaid-for food in the stores.  (Honestly, their brains must not be working to not only do that but to film it, thinking people will be okay with it and find it funny!  And if someone does find it funny, it will only be until they realize that if it could happen in another town's store then it can happen in the one they shop at.  And then they'll realize that it's not so funny having to always be concerned about inadvertently drinking or eating someone else's disease-ridden spit.)  

I'm also talking about the rabidly aggressive liberals, feminists, and LGBTQ+ people pushing their agendas on everyone.  They don't want to just "live their lives" ... they want to tell others how to live their lives too.  It's not good enough for them to simply be part of society like everyone else, to have their views out there alongside other people's views, to live out their values while others live out theirs.  

No!  These people have to push and push and push their views on everyone else.  To steamroll everyone else into agreeing with them and supporting them, taking away the rights of others to live out their own values in their own lives or to have their own opinions on things.  These people can't tolerate anything they don't like.  And they are working tirelessly to take away the rights of other people, of those who disagree with them.  

(I warned you that this would be offensive.  So if you kept reading, then you knowingly took the chance of being offended.  Which means you must like being offended.  Therefore, you can't get angry at me for offending you because you apparently like being offended.  It's on you.  And notice that I said the rabidly aggressive ones, not all of them.  I know many good, decent liberals who try to respect the rights of others.  But, unfortunately, it's not the good, decent ones who are having the most influence in politics.)

They are forcing their agendas into the curriculums of schools while denying parents and students the right to opt out of their filth.  (See here and here and here.  If this doesn't disturb you - at least from a parental-rights angle - then there's something wrong with you!  Even parents who agree with the curriculum should stand against the idea of taking away a parent's right to opt-out of something they deeply disagree with and see as harmful.  Because today it may be those parents who are punished for trying to protect their kids, but tomorrow it may be you.  You can't take away someone else's freedoms and rights without also hurting your own.)

They don't just want their abortions, they want other people to pay for their abortions.  It's not enough for them to have the right wrong to kill another human, but now they insist that other people assist them in it.  And they defend themselves with "Don't tell me how to live my life and what to do with my body!"  Oh yeah, well don't tell me I have to pay for your decisions.  And we're not telling you what to do with your body anyway.  We're telling you what not to do to someone else's body.  Because a baby isn't a piece of your body anyway, even a baby in the womb.  He or she is a human being, completely separate from you.  A consequence of your actions.  So grow up and take responsibility for your actions!  I'm glad my mom did.  See #youknowmetoo ... #imalive ... #momletmelive.  (Also watch Fortnite player, Ninja, give thanks that he wasn't aborted.)

They are forcing people to deny that there's only two genders, just because they feel like they want to be something different today.  They are even getting people kicked out of school for saying there's only two genders, something that "used to be" considered a scientific, non-negotiable fact.  (Society once declared that God is dead, and they replaced Him with science.  They made science their god.  Now they are destroying science.  Where will that leave them?  If scientific facts can be denied and altered at will, how can we expect anyone to believe that anything is true?  And if nothing is true and if there is no basis to judge anything by, how can anyone be held accountable for anything?)

They are coming for the children, grooming them, over-sexualizing them while they are still so young, deliberately desensitizing them, short-circuiting the reasonable, cautious, self-preservational instincts we all have that protect us and keep us from allowing ourselves to end up in situations where we might be exploited, assaulted, or placed in uncomfortably intimate situations.  Grown men and drag queens want your young boys to dress up as girls and dance for them.  They want your small children to lay on top of them after Drag Queen Story Hour.  Grown men want your little girls to touch their naked bodies in the name of art.  (So this mother encouraged her little girl to touch that naked man.  What happens when some man exposes himself to her in a public bathroom and asks her to "touch it"?  She's been taught that it's okay, that there's nothing wrong with touching a naked man, that she shouldn't be afraid.  Frickin' insane!  Shame on that mother and that man!  See "Since When Did This 'Drag Queen' Stuff Become Acceptable?")

Men who call themselves "women" are invading women's sports and taking the winner's spots away from real women, from women who have trained for years to be the best in their sport.
      [If gender isn't real - if men can become women whenever they feel like it - then there really is no such thing as "women" or "men."  Which means there's no such thing as "women's rights."  Which means feminists are fighting a losing battle because they're fighting against themselves.  They are fighting for women's rights while saying there is really no such thing as gender.  As women.  Talk about shooting yourself in the foot!  What's to stop men from calling themselves "women" just so they can take jobs from the real women who should get those jobs?  If lots of men start doing this - if the jobs end up going to these transgender "women" because they are the newest protected, favored, "minority" group - where's that leave real women, those who fought so hard for equal rights?
      Feminists who support transgenderism have got to be one of the stupidest groups out there, getting all angry about men being favored over women, fighting long and hard for women's rights, but then supporting men being favored over real women as long as they claim they're "women."  Well played, men!  Well played!
      In fact, here's the story of a man putting a woman out of business because she wouldn't wax "her" penis area.  And how about one - of many - where boys can demand to get naked alongside girls?  How about when a man can get a woman kicked out of a gym for complaining that she was uncomfortable about having a man in the locker room (a woman who was almost once the victim of rape)?  And the girls and women cannot defend themselves or their right to not be put into an intimately uncomfortable situation.
      Once again, well played, men!  Well played!  Getting the right to do all these things ... and getting feminist women to stand up for your right to do these things!  Well played!
      And once again, stupid feminists!  Acting like you support women's rights while really supporting a man's right to destroy women's rights!
      Oh, that's not enough for you?  How about another story of the same man who put the woman out of business because she wouldn't "wax his balls."  But this time, he tried to organize a "topless" pool party for kids, ages 12 and up, with no parents allowed.  Supposedly for "safety."  (My paraphrase of what he really means: "Stay away, parents, so that I can be around your young topless daughters, unsupervised.")
      And yet he blames "awful people" for shutting the pool party down, as if there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. Maybe that's the scariest part!  He seems to truly think that kind of stuff is acceptable, and that other people are the problem.
      Thank you, progressive liberals, for the kind of derangement you are breeding, protecting, and supporting.
      Question:  Hmm, how can it be that every time this man goes on the ferry ride, it just so happens to be full of young girls on field trips?  Young girls who he's apparently hoping need his help - in the girls' bathroom - when they unexpectedly find themselves on their period?
      Could it be because he purposely takes the ferry ride every time the young girls ride it!?!
      And do you know what any sane person would call a man who claims that his "period is going to start" and that "the first day is usually very heavy" and so he has to "change [his] pad often"?
      Yep, normal people would call him "insane"!  Not "progressive" or "brave" or "admirable."  But insane!  And this insane guy who thinks he actually bleeds from his uterus every month wants your daughters to swim topless in front of him, wants to help change your young daughter's pads in the bathroom on a ferry ride (Talk about being unable to escape!  No wonder he rides the ferry every time the girls are on it!), and he's putting real women out of business for being so unreasonable as to refuse to wax some guy's balls in a closed room.  (And here's another article about him her it whatever:  Biological Male "Jessica" Yaniv Misses Pool Party Because He Forgot His Tampons.  Ha ha ha!  And people think this stuff is what a "progressive and tolerant" society looks like!  Ha ha ha!  Oh, that's rich!)
      Once again, thank you, progressive liberals, for this insanity!  May what you have wrought come back to bite you in the butt so that it shakes you out of your stupidity.  Because I doubt you'll learn your lesson until it affects you or someone you love personally.
      (NOT SORRY!)]

They boycott and sue private businesses when the owner operates according to beliefs they don't like or agree with.  (See here and here.  "Hi, we're liberals, and we're all about the love and inclusiveness and about tolerating everyone!")

They would rather see homeless children go without homes than be placed in Christian homes or find homes through Christian adoption agencies.

They get professional people fired for not using the pronoun they want to be called by.  (So much for free speech in our country!  How free are we when saying "him" instead of "her" can get you fired?)

If they don't like the expression you wear while they're all up in your face, they try to get you expelled from school.  Welcome to Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four!  (I hope that kid wins his lawsuit against those who demonized him in the media!)

They condemn people for praying.  It's not enough that they don't believe in praying, but now they attack those who do believe in it, who want to do it in their own lives and quiet time.

You're certainly not allowed to disagree with them about who should be president.  (Preach it, Bernie Marcus!  Good to see someone standing up for their opinions instead of apologizing for them because someone else doesn't like them.  The more we apologize for our opinions and values, the more emboldened it makes those who oppose us and the more power it gives them to steamroll us some more!  STOP APOLOGIZING TO LEFT-WING LIBERALS FOR YOUR OPINIONS AND VALUES!  GET A BACKBONE AND STAND UP FOR YOURSELF AND FOR YOUR RIGHT TO HAVE OPINIONS THEY DON'T LIKE!  I think one of the best things that could have happened to expose what the so-called "tolerant, loving" liberals and feminists are really like underneath is for Trump to have gotten into office.  Because once he did, all the tolerant, loving masks came off, and we got to see what they're really like!)

And if they don't like some symbol or reference to God, they force it to be removed because they are "offended."  (But this is okay!?!)  

(Hey, if I'm offended that they're offended, can I get them removed from the public sphere?  If I'm offended that they're taking down things I like, can I get those things put back?  Why should their feelings of being offended take precedence over anyone else's feelings of being offended?  Once you start using "I'm offended" as a basis for lawsuits and legal actions, you open up a huge can of worms!) 

What is wrong with people nowadays!?!  The biggest bunch of intolerant, wimpy, cry-baby snowflakes ever!  Must have always gotten their way as they grew up, never had to share, never been told 'no' by mommy and daddy, always told they can do anything they want and that they should never let anyone stand in their way.  Because they sure can't handle sharing the country or having to face any opinion they don't like. 

I'm sick of it!  And I think a lot of other people are too!

Once again, your life affects our lives.  Forcing what you want onto the country is trampling on the rights of other people.  So don't tell us not to tell you how to live your life!  When your life interferes with our lives, then - yes! - we do have a right to put you in your place!  To push back!  

If you want to live your life then do it ... in your own life!  But don't go trampling all over other people's lives, acting like your rights and what you want are more important than others' rights and what they want!

It's time to grow up, you immature cry-baby snowflakes!  

Time to grow into mature people who can tolerate things you don't like, who consider other people and how your lives affect theirs, and who realize you can't always get your way in everything.

Maybe your mommy and daddy never told you this, and so I will:

Life isn't always about you!

And the sooner you learn this, the better!

[For your reading pleasure:

Since When Did This 'Drag Queen' Stuff Become Acceptable For Children?

Silencing The Trans-Gender Truth?

Toxic Femininity?

Feminism Nonsense

What Does 'Women's Reproductive Rights' Mean?

Some Thought-Provoking Political Articles

The Trans-Gender Revolution Is Beyond Insane!

So Where's The Love And Tolerance Now!?!

Let's Just Call It What It Is: Wicked!

Ironic, Isn't It?  The Hypocrisy of the #MeToo Culture

When Will This Nonsense End?

The Whiner-Babies are at it again!  This time over a chicken sandwich.

Some Interesting News Items

Straighten Those Spines, Christians!]

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