Blogger Is Making Changes (And It May Affect My Blog)

Blogger is making changes to the format of all blogs.  It shouldn't affect what you see, but it does affect what I see and how I access my posts, write, and manage the blog.  They have given us a "sneak peek" at the new format ... and I really don't like it.  And so I am not sure how much I will write after the change is permanent.  

But thankfully, they won't be forcing the change on everyone for a couple months.  So what I am going to do is load up all the posts I can on the "schedule," so that it posts them automatically on the date I set for each post.  That will probably fill a couple months.  (I'm actually posting the same series on all my blogs during these next months, just not on the same days.)  But then after that, I'm not sure if I'll be writing much because it's harder to use the new format.  At least for me.  (I hate changes.  Why can't people just leave well-enough alone?)

But my hope is that we Christians aren't here anyway in a few months, that the Lord returns to take us home as soon as possible.  And so if the rapture does happen, don't think that the addition of new posts means that I got left behind.  All those posts are already going to be on the schedule, posting automatically.  Because I assure you ... when the Lord comes back, I'm going with Him!  

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