Let's just call it what it is: Wicked!

Wicked and repulsive!

What else would you call a Philadelphia ruling that would rather children not get a home than get a faith-filled home through a faith-based agency!?!

Wicked and repulsive!

And yet the left continues to think it's so tolerant and open-minded and all-inclusive and open-armed!


This kind of thing shows who they really are.  

May God overturn this ruling and turn the hearts of people back to Him, opening their eyes to their need for Him and to the true condition of their hearts and souls.  May they see how far they have fallen and the damage they are causing in our country!

And if I may point something out:  This is not an attack on faith, but only on faith in the God of the Bible.  Because what they seem to forget is that everyone has faith in something.  Everyone stakes their eternity on something.  Even people who claim to have no faith ... have faith.  They just have faith in themselves, in chance, in nothingness.  (That's some sad faith!  No hope.  No help.  No one to watch over you.  No one to fix everything in the end.  No lasting meaning and no ultimate purpose.  Sad.  Sad.  Sad.)

So when everyone has faith in something, why do they single out those who have faith in the God of the Bible?

Because Satan would love nothing more than to keep children from experiencing the love of God in faith-filled homes!  

Wicked and repulsive!

He doesn't mind when we find faith in anything else ... just not in the God of the Bible.  Because that's the only thing that can defeat him, that can draw people from death to life.

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