Feminism Nonsense (repost)

(Oh, how we love nonsense in our country!)

We women are fighting so hard to be like men, to downplay femininity, to be perceived as more masculine, to overtake any "men's realm" we find.  Because it’s “cool” and “progressive” and “strong.”

But do we not realize that we are not “leveling the playing field” so much as we are destroying ourselves, the things that make women special?

Women can be strong, too.  And they don’t have to be like men to do it.  Trust me, I know.  I've had four children, one by c-section and three by natural, drug-free homebirth (with over 15 hours of labor for each one).  And then I work in the home every day, all day long.  No pay.  No vacation time.  No weekends off.  No bonuses.  No overtime pay.

But I do it because my family and I value my position, my role.  Even if the world doesn't.

We women can be strong and capable and accomplished in our own ways.

We can be strong in our feminine grace.  We can be confident in our nurturing temperaments.  We can be proud to be a wife and a mother, taking pride in caring for our husbands and families while he goes to work all day to support us financially.  We can make our men feel good about their maleness, instead of treating them like a threat.  Instead of getting insulted, we can be honored when a man cherishes us for the women we are, when a man lovingly takes care of us, looks out for us, opens the door out of respect for us.

To be treated like a woman is not necessarily an insult.  We don't have to be offended by everything out there all the time, by every little perceived slight or difference or "barrier."  We don't have to prove ourselves or our worth to anyone.  We can be confident in who we are and in the differences that make us unique. 

But no … what has feminism taught us to do instead?  

To think that we are not “good enough” unless we are like men in every way.  To downplay femininity.  To be tough and brash and masculine.  To fear the color "pink," as though it were an insult.  To be ashamed if we are stay-at-home moms – because to them a stay-at-home mom is a weak, oppressed, un-driven, socially-unimportant simpleton.  To resist the efforts of men who want to treat us special and take care of us and cherish our femininity.  To be ashamed of our gender and the qualities that make us special and unique.      

You know what?  I was a feminist once.  For one semester in college.

I took a “gender studies” class that was taught by a woman.  And we talked about feminism and looked for examples of it in daily life.

And you know what happened?

I began to get all offended by things that never bothered me before.  Or since.

All because a powerful woman was feeding me the line that real woman look for all the ways they are being "unfairly treated," that they get offended about everything, that they assert themselves in everything and fight back against everything.

I even found myself getting indignant that men walking toward me on a sidewalk didn't move over far enough when I tried to walk past them, making me want to ram into them instead of moving politely to the side to get around them.

With feminists (and, frankly, with most of the country nowadays), it's always an "us vs. them" thing, an "I'll show you!" thing.  But honestly, being this way just made me bitter, whiney, demanding, indignant, and unhappy.  And probably not very pleasant to be around.

But once I stopped listening to the women who were telling me how I was “supposed to” act, feel, and think as a woman . . . once I stopped listening to women who were trying to convince me of how short-changed I was and how unfair life was being to me and how I needed to constantly “fight the power” if I wanted to be taken seriously . . . . once I stopped letting others convince me that I needed to be offended by things that didn’t really offend me … once I stopped letting others manipulate me with their political/social agendas ... once I stopped caring what someone else thought of me ... I became more comfortable with who I am, in my own skin.  More comfortable as a woman and a wife and a mother.  And comfortable enough that I didn’t have to force anything or prove anything.  I could just be me, in my own life and in my own family.  And I could be happy with it.

That is what feminism should be.  

Maybe we women can best show our strength by being okay with being women, instead of letting someone else convince us that we are not as good or valued as others are just because we are women, that we need to be different, that we need to keep up with the boys or join the “boys club” in order to be taken seriously.

You know, I have four sons.  Am I supposed to raise them to believe they don't have a right to have anything special for themselves, such as a "boys club" or a sports team or an "all-boys" school?  That they shouldn't take pride in being boys?  Am I supposed to teach them that they always have to step aside, letting the girls walk all over them and get their way in everything?  Because it's the politically-correct thing to do if my boys don't want to get smacked with condemning, derogatory labels?  Should I tell them to downplay their masculinity because it bothers the feminists?  Should I teach them that since girls want to be treated just like men that they shouldn't hold a door open for a lady or put a woman first or treat her with tenderness?

This fervor to erase all lines is going to ruin the differences that we celebrate and enjoy in each other.  In ourselves.

Maybe we shouldn't be promoting "feminism."  Maybe we should be promoting "equal-ism" or "person-ism" - teaching them that although the genders are different, they are both equally special and should be allowed to celebrate their own gender while cherishing the other one for their unique characteristics.

No gender should be allowed to steam-roll the other.  And that's what feminism has become - the very kind of domineering, oppressive, manipulative, shaming bully that they used to fight against!

Why can’t we teach our girls that it’s okay for a girl to be a girl, just like it’s okay for a boy to be a boy?  That “girls clubs” are as equally special and necessary as “boys clubs”?  Why can’t we value their female-ness, instead of teaching them to mimic the boys, keep up with the boys, compete with the boys, dress like the boys, join the "boys clubs" in order to prove themselves?  Why are we teaching them that their gender doesn’t even exist, that the special and valuable differences aren’t real, instead of teaching them that their God-given genders are worth cherishing?  (Oh yes, you heard me right ... I said it ... "God-given.")

Hmm, I wonder ... Could it be that feminism is actually the enemy of femininity, of women?  The enemy of genuine self-esteem?  The enemy of healthy relationships between men and women, causing us to fear each other, to demand that the other person changes themselves, and to compete with each other instead of complementing one another? 

Feminism started for good reasons.  But like any social, political movement, the pendulum has swung too far.  And now that feminism has embraced transgender women ("women" who were born male), we are destroying the progress that real women have fought long and hard for.  Because these men-turned-women are winning the competitions in women's sports.  They are getting the yearly notices for pap-smears, while the women-turned-men are not.  They will get the jobs that women are fighting for.  They will take over the positions women have held.  And they will invade any special women's groups we have.

Erasing the lines between men and women will hurt society, not make it a better place.

[And I'm not saying that all feminism is bad right now, just the parts that are bad.  And you know it's gotten bad when women devalue motherhood because it "sets women back," because they think it's a reversal of the "progress" we've made.  Notice that it's not men devaluing mothers; it's other women doing it because they feel like motherhood is a threat to the progress they've made in society.  

(So having kids is a threat to the progress women have made, but letting men who call themselves "women" steal the awards that should go to real women isn't!?!  What is wrong with you people!?!  Isn't honoring men-turned-women on International Women's Day really just a way of saying that men make better women than women do, of pushing women out?  I feel really bad for the high school and college girls who are losing the "girls sports" awards to guys in girl's clothing and who are forced to use the bathroom or shower next to guys who call themselves girls.  So much for all the promises during the metoo movement to stand up for women and protect them from harm!  If you can't even define what a woman is {look up the "What is a Woman?" documentary by Matt Walsh}, if men can become women whenever they feel like it, then how in the world can you stand up for women's rights!)  

And this is evident in reactions towards a new book which highlights the criticalness of a mother's presence in the first three years of a child's life.  The author of that book (Erica Komisar) has been stonewalled and sharply criticized, and women are really angry about it. 

Angry about being told how important a mother is in a young child's life!?!  Seriously!?!  

Has feminism so blinded us to real priorities that we would get offended by research that shows how important a mother is, that we truly think our careers are more important than our child's well-being and the strength of our families?  (When we hurt our families, we hurt ourselves.)  

This is women destroying women!  Women devaluing women!  And it's insane.  

For a thoughtful response to that book, click here.  This woman at least asks the right question.  Instead of asking "How can she say that and set women so far back and make moms feel more guilty?," she dares to ask, "What if she's right!?!" 

Maybe this book isn't "setting women back" ... maybe it's simply smacking them upside the head with truth.  The truth is not often easy to hear, but it's necessary, especially when we are so far off-track that we don't even see the value in mothers anymore, that we let people - feminists - convince us that we are more defined by and fulfilled with our careers than our position as "mother," that we have to different or more like men if we want to matter.  

How backwards that we won't let people criticize our pursuit of a career but we will let them destroy our special role as mothers!  

Our role in our career can be filled by just about anyone else in the world, but no one else can really take your place as mother to your children!  You are replaceable in your job, but not in your family!  It's time to get our priorities straight! 

(Note: I am not bashing working mothers.  I have friends who work outside the home and who are still great mothers.  My own mother worked outside the home.  And there are creative ways to blend work and family responsibilities, which each family has to figure out for themselves.  

But I am unashamedly bashing those who are trying to destroy the importance of motherhood, who are trying to convince women that you are less of a woman if you stay home with your kids, that you are only worth something if you work outside the home.  BULLCRAP!  I don't use those words often in my writing - just when it's well-deserved.  Because this kind of nonsense is hurting our children, our families, our own feelings of self-worth and accomplishment, and the very foundation of society.

Personally, I am honored to be my children's mother.  And I am tremendously thankful that my husband faithfully goes to work every day (to a stressful job he doesn't like) to support the family ... when he would much rather be home with us.  What an amazing sacrifice!  What an honor to be able to be home!  While some might envy those working outside the house and think that staying at home is demeaning, I think we actually have the better end of the deal.)]     

It’s time for women who believe in being women to stand up and say that it’s okay to be a woman.  That femininity is a wonderful thing!  That mothers are important!  That being a mother is a blessed responsibility!  That all girls, even if they are girly-girls, should be celebrated for the girls they are!

That is GIRL POWER, baby!

[And while we're at it, let's celebrate men for the men they are.  Let's give them room to be men.  Let's affirm their manhood, their special male-ness.  If we don't, if we keep beating them down in our attempts to elevate ourselves, we might just beat out of them all the characteristics we like, the things that drew us to them in the first place.]

A few links about the disturbing nature of radical feminism:

https://activistmommy.com/watch-whats-really-going-sexual-harassment-movement/  (Added note, not in video clip:  The #metoo movement has led to women crying "abuse" after being looked at funny by men, after being called "sweetheart," and after sleeping with a man and then wishing they didn't.  This isn't abuse, women ... it's "crying wolf."  And sometimes, it's that you put yourself into that position, by going home with the men and climbing into their beds.  And then you turn around the next day and claim you were abused!?!  Or maybe some guy patted your bottom eight years ago, and now you come forward and trash his name in the public-eye and claim you were abused and humiliated!?!  When eight years ago it didn't truly bother you!?!  Do you know who the real victims are here?  The women who have been truly abused and who now have no voice because your pathetic stories of "abuse" have diluting the meaning of "abuse."  And because all your incessant whining about fake abuse has led people to not want to hear about abuse stories anymore.  Way to go, feminists!  You got the sexual freedom you wanted, and now you get the problems that come with it!  The confusion over relationships, over what's expected of each other in relationships, over where the lines are drawn, over what's truly abuse and what's just offensive, over what it means to be a genuine victim and what you actually brought on yourselves.  And just how is this way of life better than simply getting married, settling down, and being part of a family?  And just wait till the #mentoo movement starts, when men start sharing all their stories of being totally mistreated, harassed, and bullied by women!)


[Do you hear this, men:  Women are going to use sex to control you!  To make you think and act and vote the way they want you to!  

How about instead of playing their game, you men find yourselves a good woman who respects you for who you are, who wants a real relationship with you (instead of just turning you into their little emasculated lap-dog), and you marry her and settle down and enjoy your life with her!  

Stop letting these brash, angry, aggressive feminists control you, shrink you, turn you into servants.  Man up, men!  Don't let women make you feel bad for being a man.  Don't let them control you with sex.  

I'm serious!  What kind of a relationship is that!?!  

Where's the "we just want equality" now, feminists!?!  You don't want equality; you want supreme control!  

Men, when you see one of those feminist emojis they're talking about in this article, you'll know who to avoid.  There are plenty of good women out there looking for good men!  Find one of them and be happy in a safe, secure, respectful relationship!  

Go ahead and vow to have less sex, feminists!  The less sex you have the better - because your random, non-committed sex is ruining our country, our families, our values, our bodies, and even our own sense of well-being, our collective self-esteem, and our sense of security in relationships!  Shame on you for using sex to control men!]   


Speaking of the Women's Marches (from back during election time):

(I am not a Taylor Swift fan, I just thought the feminists handled this pathetically, showing that they are more about manipulating other women than allowing other women to be who they are.) 


And did you see the pictures of the women wearing giant "lady parts" costumes, looking like over-grown babies crowning during birth?  If I had a copy of that picture, I'd caption it like this:

(Yep... I can see that.)

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