Saying a prayer for Demi Lovato

When I hear reports of celebrities who are hurting, who have hit rock bottom, who are desperately searching for healing from the demons that torment them, I say a prayer for them.

The latest one is Demi Lovato.  I'm sure there are a lot of people who envy celebrities, who think they live a glamorous life.

I don't envy them at all.  I think living in the public eye is a terrible burden to bear.  Being followed by the paparazzi, having pictures of everything you do published for the pleasure of a voyeuristic society.  Being picked apart by every trash magazine.  Having every detail of your life examined by people who think they have a right to comment on everything you do, to judge every outfit you wear, every choice you make, every thing you say, every pound you gain.

I think it's a torturous way to live.  I don't think the fame and money they get makes up for the lack of privacy.  And my heart goes out to the celebrities who want more than what stardom has to offer.  I think many are desperately searching for something to believe in outside of themselves, outside of fame, of money, of temporary pleasures.

When you hear of a celebrity who is broken and hurting and in trouble, don't mock or condemn or snicker.

Pray for them.  They are human, too.  And they live with many burdens that us "common folk" don't have to live with.  We get the freedom to live our lives away from millions of eyes and judgments.  They don't.  How sad to have to hurt and struggle and break down in the public eye.

Say a prayer for Demi Lovato, that God surrounds her with His heavenly angels to keep evil away, that He puts His truth in her path, and that her eyes are opened to His love, mercy, grace, and healing.

When we are at our lowest is when we are usually most receptive to the Lord.  That's why those who are hurting the most have the best chance of finding Him.  Because they know they can't do it on their own, that they need help.

Say a prayer for Demi and for those you know who are searching for Him!  

Prayer matters!  Prayer makes a difference!

Some songs that mean so much to me, that helped me through my lowest point:  Fell Apart and Love, Heal Me and Oh, What Love by The City Harmonic.  See also "Help for Anxiety, Depression, and Suicidal Thoughts.")

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