A Bible Study for Mature Christians

I wrote a Bible study a while ago for mature Christians.  (I may repost it again here sometime.  I've already got it in three other places.  When it comes to sharing God's Word and Truth and getting others to talk about it, the more places it's posted the better.)  

The reason I say it's for mature Christians is because it's got a lot of hard, confusing topics and questions, not ones that can be easily filled in with a word from a Bible verse.  It's not about the basics of faith and the Bible.  It's a "wrestle with the hard things and think deeply about how you can apply it to real life" Bible study.  

It is my hope that you would find a few other mature Christians to do this study with.  It's very conversational and personal in nature, with the intention of helping mature Christians sharpen each other, as Iron Sharpens Iron.

So here it is:  The "Iron Sharpens Iron" Bible Study 

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