Click on them! They're worth listening to at least once.

Sweetly Broken by Jeremy Riddle -
A life-changing, heart-changing song for me.

Oh, What Love by The City Harmonic -
This song says it all! 

Confession (Agnus Dei) by the City Harmonic
I woke up once singing the line "Lamb of God who takes away ..." over and over again in my mind. I have loved it ever since.

I AM by Crowder -
He's always there holding onto us, calling us to hold onto Him.

And three for those who are hurting.  But don't listen to them unless you are hurting because you won't be in the right frame of mind to really hear it....

Love, Heal Me by the City Harmonic 
The song that inspired the name of one of my blogs -
my heart's cry for the past couple years.

Fell Apart by the City Harmonic 

One of the best opening lines ever! 
These City Harmonic songs became my prayers
at a time I was too broken to pray for myself.

Healing Begins by Tenth Avenue North
So much truth in this wonderful song.
(I don't know why the stupid computer made this one a different color.)

Honestly, can you find this kind of hope in any of the mainstream songs out there today!?! 

If you are interested, take this challenge:  listen to these songs at least 3 times over the next month or two, and see what happens. 

But before you do, say a prayer out loud that God would open your eyes to the truth about His existence and about who Jesus is and what He came to do.  (Even something simple like, "God, show me if You are really real and if Jesus really is who He said He is - if He really is Lord and Savior, and the only way to get to You, to heaven.") 

And really mean it! 

And if you want more, if you've never read the Bible, commit to reading through it once (maybe starting with the New Testament) while again praying that God would open your eyes to the truth in it. 

What do you have to lose!?! 
But you might just gain everything!

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