How sad for "theybies"!

So some parents are raising their children "genderless," letting the kids decide for themselves which gender they want to be.  These parents clearly think they are being open-minded and progressive, hip and cool.

But when parents refuse to acknowledge the maleness or femaleness of their children, they are not so much "letting the child choose who they want to be" as they are "denying who their child really is."

What a shame to be raised by parents who deny a very personal, meaningful part of you and who refuse to celebrate the boy or girl that you are!

Children, you are beautiful just the way you were created.  You are perfect as you are, whether you are a boy or a girl.  Enjoy being the boy or girl you are!  

Sometimes "being progressive" is simply another way of saying "completely lacking common sense."

Don't be so open-minded that your brains fall out!

[Related posts:  "Gender Neutral" Nonsense and More Gender Nonsense and To Those Raising Gender-Neutral Kids]

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